Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi, I brought Colter home just 2 days ago.  He's "older" according to the breeder, 4 months.  He has absolutely no interest in toys.  Chew toys, stuffed toys, rubber toys, no toys.  It's like he doesn't understand the concept of play and toy.  What can I do to help him learn to play with his toys?

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I really wouldn't "worry" about it. Does he act like a normal puppy otherwise? Energy? Is he playful with you and like to bounce around outside and such? If so, he'll probably learn to play with objects in time. If he's not destroying things and seems content...less stuff for you to buy! ;-)
Yes, he bounces around outside and he acts normal. I've just never had a pup who didn't attack any and all toys right away. Thanks.
Have you tried an antler? They're not exactly toys, but my 4 month old puppy absolutely loves them. Given the choice of a toy or's always the antler. He also likes chasing things....especially tennis balls.
No! I'll look for one and see if he'll play with it. Thanks for the tip!
He may be one of the dogs! I've tried to play with his new toys with him and he's just not interested. It could be that he's still adjusting to being here, as well. It's only been 2 days. I'll keep trying to find something that interests him! Thanks.
My GrandDoodle who came from a PM and shelter, had never walked on grass much less play with a toy. It took him days before he would venture out onto the lawn by himeself. I rubbed a little chicken on a toy for him and eventually he learned that it was a good thing. July 2nd will be a year since I picked Mickey up at the shelter and believe me he leared that toys, balls, tug games are so much fun.
It is very sad and upsetting to see a puppy not understand the meaning of toys but with patience and some trickery, Colter will get it.
Adrianne, it is very sad. How fortunate that your Mickey has found a forever home and a good life now. I feel that Colter will get there. I'm going to keep working with him and playing with him. Just today my 10 yr old Golden Retriever is finally beginning to warm up to him. Maybe the two of them will begin to play a bit and Colter will get into it. Colter really wants to play with him.
Our dog is now 18 mths and he is still to this day not keen on toys. Maybe your guy is a ball guy. My husband brought home this rope thing with thwo tennis balls attached to it and he brought it to bed that night.
Some puppies have to be shown how to play with toys, some do not. If it has a squeaker, squeak it. And so on. He is young yet it won't be long before he will play with toys if you play with the toy with him, then he will start playing on his own.
Right now everything is new to him and he is just checking out his surroundings. Just give him time.
Loril, my first goldendoodle was about 14 weeks when we got him and my husband thought he had brain-damage! He showed no interest in toys or bones and just basically laid around. The breeder (who happened to be a friend) said that he typically 'shut down' when stressed. Well, it was actually just his personality, or else he had an awful lot of stress all the time!! ha! I think he has just born old, if that makes any sense. He never seemed to go through the normal puppy stages, with the chewing and the biting, etc. Our new little puppy, Knox, on the other hand, is ALL PUPPY!! Super-duper playful, but constantly needing something to chew on and many times it's ME! He is getting better, but I am ready for him to grow up! Some puppies can be absolutely exhausting to take care of and he's one of them, although I wouldn't trade him for the world. He's found a place in my heart and I adore him.
Hi Doris,
Knox is a beautiful little guy! What happened to your first goldendoodle? Do you still have him/her? Was he/she ever playful? I'm beginning to wonder about Colter. He does the same thing...just lays around. No chewing, not much of anything. When I take him outside, he perks up some, prancing around, etc., but I've never ever had a puppy like this! It's like he's not interested in anything.
Tahoe was a nearly perfect dog, but he had one horrible fault and that was that he loved to chase cars. We live on a cul-de-sac with seven other homes, so the same cars came and went several times a day (not like there's alot of traffic at all, though, as all of our neighbors are older.). We tried everything, even a mean shock collar, to get him to stop, and he resisted the urge as long as we were outside with him at the time a car happened to come by. Our backyard is solid woods and slopes down to a creek, so basically Tahoe was an inside dog except to go out front to do his business. Well, on February 5th, a neighbor was leaving and Tahoe thought he needed to say 'hi.' He supposedly was on one side of the truck and then on the other and then for some reason underneath. We were absolutely devastated and of course, so was our neighbor. We loved that dog and never dreamt that we would lose him at the age of two. He was my shadow as I am a stay-at-home mom with kids who aren't! Our daughter graduates from high school in May and our son is at Duke, so Tahoe and I spent alot of time together! My husband and I really felt his absence and decided to replace him right away, which I'm not so sure was a good idea. Knox has big shoes to fill, particularly when Tahoe was so mellow and just as laid back as they come. You asked if Tahoe played and yes, he did, but it was really only with our Jack Russell, Courtney, who was ten years old when we got him. Give your new guy a chance to get acclimated to you and see how he is. He just may not be the playful type, but I bet he'll be a fantastic companion. He will learn to play with you and do the things you want him to!



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