Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So, I check petfinder this morning, just like I do every morning, and I find this adorable little guy.

I am immediately in love, and fill out the paperwork and email and call the rescue organization.  I am waiting for a reply.  While I am waiting, I look around online for Whoodles.  What size are they, grooming, etc. just so I know exactly what I am getting.  I notice that there is a Whoodle breeder in Bend Oregon, which is where this guy is listed.  Whoodle breeders are few and far between from what I can tell.  So I think, too strange...I bet this breeder knows something about this dog.  So I call him.

Turns out he turned in a 3 month old male pup to a rescue organization last night at 5:30, and Teeky (3 month old male) turns up at 9:45 last night - this is the same dog!  He had turned the pup over because something is wrong with it and it won't keep down food.  Actually, it sounds like he doesn't even get the food down and is regurgitating it back up - not actually throwing it up.  He said he had taken Teeky to the vet, and it was going to be about $1000 to get him fixed, so he turned him over.  He then wanted to sell me a healthy pup which did NOT sit well with me.  He is a BREEDER - breeders do NOT turn pups over to rescues due to health problems! 

At any rate, I am waiting for the rescue organization to call me back, and I am VERY curious if they are going to disclose the health problem.  There is no way the pup has even been to see the vet yet with the rescue so I am thinking they were maybe just going to pass him through without disclosing?  I sure hope not! 

So....lesson learned.  Check around if you see something on petfinder that seems too good to be true!   Do your homework! 

I will let you all know if/when I hear back from the rescue organization.  Maybe they are going to take him to a vet and get him well?  According to the breeder, he may have to have a balloon type procedure done several times to make the esophagus big enough, so this isn't a quick one time fix.  Poor Teeky....I would love to have him, but I need to think about what I am really get in to.... 

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I think emailing the rescue group would be a good idea. Though I am not sure you will get a response. I checked out their shelter link; they only have dogs listed for adoption. I wonder if they are a new group.
One would wonder if he even disclosed that there was a problem.
Sounds like the puppy has megaesophagus, which is a very serious & potentially fatal condition requiring lots of care. It has a better prognosis in puppies than in adult dogs, but it's very serious, and I would look into the care involved before I would commit. Dogs with megaesophagus have to be actively supervised every single time they eat or drink for a minimum of 30 minutes, and that's far from the hardest part of it.
We had a discussion here about Whoodles a while back...I'll try to find it. It really isn't a very smart idea to mix poodles with Wheaten terriers, and there are very very few honest or reputable breeders doing this.
There is a discussion on megaesophagus from awhile ago.
Thanks for all the input and info all. I am headed out of town for the weekend - to Bend where this little guy is of all places - so I thought it was a sign, but it is not. I have emailed and called the rescue and nobody has called me back. I will just have to hope he went to a good home and he is getting the help he needs.
I understand that Whoodles are not a great idea, and I would never support a breeder of Whoodles, but from a rescue, I thought I might like to give this guy a shot at a good home. The breeder has shown his poor choices and lack of respect for the breed by dropping this dog off at a shelter - just like Karen and Jack said - not many (if any) reputable breeders of Whoodles. Lesson learned!
After looking at this "breeder's" website I would have very serious doubts about the quality of the dogs. There is nothing there that suggests this is quality operation. There is no real information about his dogs or who he is.
The petfinder description says he has a constricted esophagus, so they are apparently aware of the health problem--but it also says that you just have to feed him smaller amounts of food --which sounds a lot better that the expensive surgery that may really be necessary--buyer beware on this one--who knows if that would work for him. He is very cute and looks exactly like my wheaten did when I brought him home many years ago. He has passed on now, but what a handful he was. Definitely a NUT!
Sad Teeky update:
I received a call last night from the rescue organization, and they explained that they had originally put Teeky up to be adopted on Thurs night and then took him to the vet Friday morning. He was at the vet all day Friday, and they did a variety of tests where they watched a contrast dye go through his system. They found that the constriction that he has is too severe and too far progressed for them to do surgery. He went back to a foster home, and they tried to feed him through the weekend, and he can't even keep down a tablespoon of chicken and rice. According to the lady I spoke to at the rescue they felt they were going to have to end the misery for poor Teeky because he is basically slowly starving to death. To make matters worse, this problem was operable and could have been fixed with great results if it was found early. The rescue worker told me that usually this condition is caught right when a puppy is first weaned, and it can then be operated on and the dog can continue on a happy life. In addition, she said the breeder couldn't even tell her if the pup was UTD on his shots! Unfortunately, it looks like a very sad ending for Teeky, and it makes me so sad....
Does anybody know a good way to at least get a bad review out there on this breeder? He claimed that his pups were usually shipped to the East Coast because there are so few Whoodle breeders.
That's a really sad ending, and just not how it had to be for sweet little Teeky.
This breaks my heart.
...just awful! I hope karma comes back to bite this idiotic breeder in the butt!



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