Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

The Garden Conservancy is a wonderful organization dedicated to preserving special gardens. The have "Open Days"  where people can visit private gardens for a small donation ($5). ttp://  The Open Days are in many areas of the country. Some gardens are just lovely while others are spectacular. Check out those near you.
Today I was lucky enough to visit two gardens in the Riverdale section of he Bronx, with both my sons. That's the same Bronx of South Bronx, and Fort Apache infamy. But what a world of difference. The first garden was full of wonderful perennials, a two story tree house and a whimsical tire horse swing. The second garden was more spectacular in terms of topography since there was an old stone quarry on the property. The plantings themselves, while interesting , were not as pleasing to me. Both homes overlook the Hudson River and are right near Wave Hill. Wave Hill is a public garden where famous people such as Mark Twain, Toscanini and Theodore Roosevelt lived at one time. Well at different times really : )

The second garden

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My goodness. Private gardens? So much space they look more like public gardens. They are gorgeously green and serious acreage! I would be happy to just look and not have to take care of. Thanks for sharing.
These were homes and gardens of people with lots of assets. At the first garden, the woman who did the gardening, not the owner, was volunteering for the conservancy and answered questions. But at the second garden, the owner himself seemed to be the actual gardener. Some places get so big and grand a person could never do it alone.
Wow, beautiful! I love visiting places like this. I can't imagine the work that goes into the upkeep. I've been working for hours in my yard today and I feel like I haven't made a dent! The pool looks so inviting in the picture above. Thanks for posting the beautiful pictures and giving me the incentive to keep going in my yard!
You are welcome. But don't forget these people have help. If you have Open Days in your area check them out. I love visiting gardens. I can look without feeling the need to "do".
What was great about the arboretum in Ann Arbor was that we could take the dogs. We checked the site for a arboretum in Dayton, OH but they don't allow dogs : ( I'll definitely check out The Garden Conservancy. I kind of doubt dogs would be permitted, but I guess I could drag my hubby along! I do wish the dogs could go as he would be taking pictures of them and not me. I don't like being photographed. lol I too love visiting gardens!
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing this information!
You're welcome. I think they have some tours down in Rumson and that area.



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