Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So it's finally sunny here today, and while I was out in the yard with Jack just now, I see what looks like carrots lying in the dirt/mulch under my viburnum hedge. But when I looked closer.... Shocked !!!!!
My daughter is out of town with my camera, but I was able to find photos and an article about this extremely strange (and kind of funny, in a nasty way) fungi on line. Get ready to laugh and/or be disgusted. Warning: R-rated!

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I just think this paragraph is too funny for words, and I have to believe it was intentional on the writer's part:

"Unlike Phallus species, which mimic human anatomy, Mutinus species have more of a canine thrust. The description below combines Mutinus elegans, Mutinus caninus, and Mutinus ravenelii, which stinkhorn specialists (there really are such people) consider to be separate species."

Truly, what an unintended I'd would like to think, poor choice of words. After all these are serious scientists : )
Red Rockets in Karen's yard...who would have known?
LOL! It's pretty funny that you posted this, because today was the first time I have ever seen Darwin's "red rocket" EVER. It was pretty shocking, and I am glad it's only happened once! ha ha.
Hopefully, there were no flies on it, at least! ROFL!
Oh no! Nasty!!!!
Did you know what it was called before you looked it up on-line? If not, I'm wondering what you typed in to Google to try to find it. If you just used a description, I can only imagine what kind of links were pulled up for you.
LOL! It was surprisingly easy and non-pornographic in nature! I had no idea what it was called, but I knew it was a fungus, and I'm pretty good at figuring out the right search terms to find what I want. I did "fungus", then chose "types of fungus" and typed "carrots" into "search within results", and I got the website linked above on the first page, worded as "What Is This Thing in My Yard (Garden, House)? [MushroomExpert.Com]"
I know better than to "search images" on this kind of thing, lol!
Another mulch fungus, aptly named, is the Artillery fungus. It shoots spores, which are difficult to remove, onto house siding. I try to keep mulch away from the house and to get ground covers to do the job whenever possible.
Holy Cow!!! These are unbelievable...LOLOL- I think they're hanging more to the "X-rated" end of "R"- too funny... think I may need to pass these pictures on to friends of mine who are into gardening.. think they'll get a good laugh too! We have giant mushrooms - not too sure why as it really hasn't been that wet here..... but NOTHING as entertaining as these! Thanks for the laugh!!! I needed it this week!
Ugh, and I thought we had some creepy looking fungus in our mulch! lol It amazes me how fast these these things grow!
We have big lumpy fungi that if you touch them black spores fly out! I make my husband clean them up! I wonder if my dogs are allergic to these!!!!
That sounds like the artillery fungus above.



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