Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Chewie was very dominant as a puppy and it took a lot of training for him to realize that HE was NOT the boss of the house.  He is 9 months now and he knows his place in the family.  I really want to start letting him up on the furniture with me, but my DH does not think it is a good idea.  Do you allow your doodle on your furniture?  If so, did you wait until a certain age?  Thanks

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Caeleach has slept on the bed, since the day she came home, Seamus sleeps on the bed...sometimes (also allowed on, since the day he came to live with us), CJ doesn't get on the bed, Bella is too big too jump on the bed.

The dogs have their own couch, we bought at auction and they know it is the ONLY furniture that they are allowed on, in the Family room.

I learned about the dog couch years ago. If they have a place they feel is theirs, they leave the other furniture alone (NO, a dog bed on the floor doesn't count!)
Gavin is not allowed on any furniture. We both agreed with this rule before we got him and have stuck to our guns. It was not based on any dominance issues but on knowing that he would be really big someday. We spend time on the floor with him alot too Karen. He does sleep in our room with us, but on the floor beside the bed. I told DH if anything ever happens to him, the bed rule would change in a heart beat ;)
Good points. I had not thought about him making himself "at home" wherever we went. I know my mom would not like that!
Penny was a year old before we allowed her to get on any furniture. She can sleep on our bed, and has one chair in the family room she can use. BUT... she stands and waits for permission before jumping on either piece of furniture. Yes, I have the most polite dog in the state of Arizona...
Thats great!! I am sure that Chewie is not that polite.....
Our doodle is allowed on the couch so she can be close to us. She has been getting on the furniture since she was a puppy. She doesn't stay on te couch for long because she is so hot blooded, she jumps down to get on the floor to cool off. When we are gone she has no interest of getting on the couch, she lays on the floor ( I know this because we have cameras).
If there is a pillow or blanket on her spot she will stand there and look at you until you move it so she can assume her position.

This is an old discussion, but a question I have before I bring my puppy home. My old dog was never allowed on any furniture, and knew it. The only time he would come on my bed was when I was sick (don't know how they know these things)he would cuddle and lay quietly. Now that the kids are older, and we have a chance to do it all over they are wanting to be able to #1 bring the puppy to bed with them, and #2 snuggle with it on the couch. 

I was thinking about the blanket idea; only allowing it up when invited and when there was a blanket on it (we have leather and would rather it not get scratched up). I plan on crating it till it is older, so I am wondering about whether it would even want to sleep in a bed after 6months (approx) of being crated. Also at what age would it be able to learn (if it even works) that it would only be allowed up on the couch when invited?

Re: bed-- Charlie slept in his crate until he was a about 6 months old-- I gave into "doodle in the bed", never thought I would! He still sleeps a night a or two a week in his crate. I would discourage letting your children sleep with the puppy (not sure on their ages?), but they may not be the ones who can monitor his activities. For instance, at first, before he was allowed to sleep in the bed, I didn't trust Charlie to (1) stay on the bed. Whenever he was up, he wanted down, and was too little to jump on and off by himself and (2) to let me know if he had to go outside.



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