Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So I've joined this group a little prematurely,as Bingley (labradoodle) is not 65lbs... yet!

He is 4 months old and weighs 37lbs!!!! And 22 " tall. He is not at all fat - infact he's quite skinny. Does anyone remember how much their BIG doods weighed when they were pups, at say 10 weeks or 16 weeks. (he was 22lbs at 10 weeks).

I was just trying to work out how big he will get! My Goldendoodle is 27 inches and 66lbs and I thought he was big - but I think Mr Bingley might get to 29 inches... or bigger! Any guesses???

Did YOU have a 37lb 4 month old doodle?????

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I looked in my vet records, and there is no mention of weight for either of my dogs. However, I remember that they were each about 10 pounds when I got them at 8 weeks and they had each doubled that weight by the time they got their puppy shots. However 22 lbs. at 10 weeks does seem to be a big dood and you have come to the right place to see the big doodles. My guys are 85 lbs and 30 inches (Groucho Too) and 100 lbs and 28 inches (Hondo). So, welcome to the Heavyweights group. I think you will definitely have a big boy.
Hmmm, as I feared... Bingley weighed 15.4lbs when he had his first jab at 8 weeks! Thanks for your reply, and you're right - I've found the right place for enormous donkey-doodles! =)
Our Rozee (Goldendoodle) is a BIG girl - we're trying to get down to 75 pounds and then maintain. At four months she weighed 33.6 pounds - I don't have how tall she was then. Sounds like you're going to have a BIG boy to play with your girl! Have fun!
Darwin weighed 25 lbs at 16 weeks, and he is now 70 lbs and 26" tall at the shoulder. You are going to have one big doodle! :-)
Frank weighed 19.5 lbs at 8.5 weeks. He is now 99 lbs and very active.
Vince, who was a much smaller puppy is 75lbs. definitely have a big one. Our Frankie girl was 20lbs when we received her at 10 weeks old. She is now thirteen months and weighs in at nearly 100lbs. Bigger is definitely better here except when she sees a lizard or a bunny and then I am in fear for my rotator cuff....Have fun xx
That's funny Frances. Most places around here require dogs to be on leash and it is definitely challenging when I am walking TWO big dogs and a bunny leaps across the road. Their first instinct is to chase, of course, and I have a chronic problem with my right shoulder. Hondo responds to commands pretty well, but Groucho Too was not so responsive until I started using a metal cinch collar on him. I felt guilty, but he has figured out that it is him who pulls on the collar and he has become much better behaved. When we are on trails with wildlife, I put on his collar and that has worked pretty well.
You are right Lynda...those collars are the best. We used to use it on Frankie girl when she was a very young puppy but as she got older, she really started walking to heel....lately though, she has started pulling me down the road, even though she knows it is wrong and I nag her.....So I think the collar will have to have a re-run so she can get retrained not to pull as it truly is exhausting. I just cannot imagine what it would be like with two big ones....:)
Hi Lesley
Know it well. Doodles was my first and met him when he was just 4 months at about 35 lbs. Hes now 18months at about 65lbs. which seemed big to me, until I committed to taking on a rescue Doodle. They said he was "big". after much correspondence I went to meet and collect him. Of course I bought him a bed and bowls, a collar and leash etc before collecting him.

When the agency came towards me with Bailey on the leash. All I could think was "My God...Im going to need a bigger bowl!"
He was (is huge) now at 100lbs. hes the gentle giant and just doesnt appreciate how big he is. Ive had him 3 months now.
Walking the two of them together was a nightmare. In one simple change, the difference is astounding.
I bought an easy leader harness for both of them. neither of them have pullled since I put it on them. Walking them is an absolute pleasure. I highly recommend them to anyone with a dog over 40lbs or anyone with multiple dogs.

The only ongoing challenge I have with Bailey @ 100lbs is however much hes fed, he always wants everyone elses too.
We have that under control 90% of the time.

Good luck, I think once let the dog know that "size doesnt matter" you're the alpha not him, all will be good, they just so want to please you. Calmness eventually will come.
Oh YEAH!  We just got back from the beach and Groucho needed a bath because he just can't stay out of the water.  It's funny, however, to see someone else's dirty dogs.  The puppy has not been off leash on the beach yet because he does not respond to commands, just to his desires and interests.  I would never get him back if I turned him loose on the beach.
Bailey is a rescue, so he was over a year when I got him, but at 18 months hes just short of a 100lbs and everyone of them is a bundle of sweetness and fun.
He has no idea how big he is, so I have to be extra careful with him when other people are around. My other doodle: Dude is 68lbs. Their nick name are baby doodle, and big doodle, maybe they should be big doodle and bigger doodle.
Heres a picture of Bailey.



Well Mr Bingley is now 9 months old, weighs 68 pounds and is 28.5 inches tall. I think he will reach 29 inches. He is HUGE! But he is the gentlest giant I have ever met - and not bouncy like Welly was at the same age.


He is lovely - but 2 BIG dogs is too much if Im honest!





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