Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I finally have some pictures to share with the Garden Group!  I just got back from a trip to Glacier National Park in Montana.  These are the flowers pictures that I think turned out the best.


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Lovely photos. I think the red flowers are Indian paintbrushes? And are the blue lupines?
I think you're right about the names of the flowers. I know that in some areas of Glacier, there are only a few flowers that are hearty enough to grow there. It's so strange to see this rocky landscape with flowers growing out of it.
Do Indian Paintbrush open up like that? I LOVE these! There's a great book by Tommy DaPaolo called the Legend of the Indian Paintbrush... love that book....
Nature never misses an opportunity. I've always been amazed about some of the places plants establish themselves while we may struggle to get something to grow in the garden.
Gorgeous! I especially love the one that's taken at a lower prospective with the field and mountain in the shot. Excellent!
Yes, that's my favorite too! Beautiful shots.
This trail had a boardwalk along most of it (although a lot of it was covered with snow, so you couldn't even see the boardwalk), and I had to lay down on the boardwalk to take the picture.
Beautiful - thanks for sharing. My favorite is the rocky one with blue and yellow flowers. Its funny how different pictures speak to different people.



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