Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am also posting this in the name group, but thought I would post it here too... so everyone could participate. 

We have talked about why we named our dogs what we did, but I thought it would be fun to post the actual meaning of our doodle's names. I chose Darwin before I found out what his name meant, but found out later that it means " a dear friend" So cute! 

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Awe! And THAT he is! We originally wanted "Cobber" which means friend or buddy, but it just didn't fit for a female, then we tossed around Kylie which means 'boomerang', or beautiful spirit and attractive. Then came suki which meant "gentle one, or woman" - Uh.. NOT, ... so after MUCH searching and deliberating.... we settled on Tori which in Aborigine (alas her aussie background) means "elegant"
What is the meaning of Guinness???? It means only one thing....Irish beer.....GREAT Irish beer. Murphy means "sea warrior". We'll have to see about that in a couple of weeks when we head for the beach. We'll see how well he takes to the "sea".
Isn't Guinness a stout and not a beer? And Murphy's stout is Guinness's biggest competitor!
Kevin, it's all beer to me! Yes, Murphy's is probably the second best Irish "beer" (other than the local town beers in Ireland which are the absolute best). I was trying to "class it up" a little with the real meaning of the name Murphy. There is no "real meaning" to the name Guinness. LOL
You can't class it up with me around, I'll always bring it down to base level!
Thanks for the pointer...DH love Guiness, so Now if I can't find it I'll look for Murph's....Thanks
Jane, If he's anything like my Murphy, he will take to it like a fish. We had to bring him in originally as it was really rough, but after daddy let go, he was "body surfing" from then on. People on the beach would watch him and ask "How did you teach him to do that?" He was just a natural "Sea Warrior" and he conquered it all on his own! Try to take pictures when your Murphy goes to the beach!!!
Gavin - medieval form of:
Gawain - meaning uncertain, from the name of a nephew of King Arthur and one of the knights of the Round Table in Arthurian legend. He was a popular hero in medieval stories such as the 14th-century romantic poem 'Sir Gawain and the Green Knight'.

I shall have to be more careful now to address him as “Sir.”
Chervil--an herb, like parsley. French. We thought she'd look shaggy like the herb chervil, and she does. Though people keep saying, "What, you named your dog GERBIL?"

Nicknames (bestowed upon her by neighbors and friends, not my idea): Cherv; Miss C; the C dog; Chervmeister.
Chewie - short for Chewbacca. My 7 year old son is a big Star Wars fan and picked that name because he is a big hairy monster! Much cuter than the original Chewbacca though!
I have no idea what the name Oliver means, but I always wanted to name a dog that name, of course when I picked this little bundle of joy up in my arms, he just looked like the name would suit him, and it did and still does, lol...I forgot I had just read a book on Oliver Wendell Holmes, hence the name Oliver was in the stars for him, lol...does anyone know what the name Oliver means???...I would love to know....
Here you go Cheryl:

"Meaning of "Oliver"
Latin-American name
In Latin-American, the name Oliver means- olive tree- peace."

Peace - I like that!



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