Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Actually, BUTTER. As in the two sticks of it that Bixby Foster Doodle ate last night (I left them out to soften so I could make pillow cookies, but I guess I left them too close to the edge). Callie was very jealous - Bixby left no butter over for her. He very neatly ate it, paper and all, leaving only a slightly greasy residue on his face. I was fully prepapred to be up all night, making multiple bathroom trips outside with Bix.



You know what happened? NOTHING. I went home over lunch time and still nothing! Not only is Bixby not having diarrhea, he's not going at all! Can butter be constipating?


(I have a call into the vet, who I am sure will laugh at me)




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Bixby must have an iron stomach! It reminds me of Paula Dean LOL Hope you're ok Bixby : )
I thought the same thing! Maybe Paula Deen will adopt him - they are a match made in heaven!
Bixby dood is probably thinking "heck ya! I've hit the jackpot! Love and attention, a sister and BUTTAH".
He was so full of himself after the butter incident! He was running rips, wrestling with Callie, and prancing around with a pair of my underpants.
Weird....... I left butter out last night and ruby soon ate it cuz I saw her with the wrapper hiding under the table!!! This was the diary time she's ate it so I didn't think twice about putting it back
First time not diary time lol I'm on my phone
I'm glad Bixby is none the worse for his butter binge! Silly doodle!
My doodle LOVES butter as well!!! He is not a big foodie, but when I bake, he ALWAYS goes into the garbage to sneak the butter wrapper out. I wonder what it is about butter??? It doesn't seem to have a strong smell or anything....hmmm...
Pure fat. Dogs looooove fat! Unfortunately, too much causes pancreatitis.
Wow. Doesn't butter usually make them throw up? He must have a strong stomach!
Harlow too has gotten butter off the counter when my back was turned. She loves it.
Buddy is a Butter lover too :) I can usually make him drop anything, he wouldn't let that stick go!!!!!! Tried to lever his mouth open, nope, just made us all buttery, yuck...... He ended up eating the wrapper and all also. Butter Heads!



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