Daisy loves her crate, she starts on the floor next to Daddy's side of the bed but is always in her crate in the morning when it's time to get up...we call it her nite nite. She sleeps pretty funny, as you can see. *note cuddle puppy is still in the bed, she is not allowed to take her out, she was the same size for about a day.
How cute is that....what a great Dad your DH must be! Guinness would probably love the "raspberries", but I'm think Murph would totally "freak out"...he'd be thinking it was a new "grooming" ploy.
It certainly is funny to watch him do it. We laugh about it every night. Gracie is very trusting and will let us do anything at all to her!! Thank goodness since she is 72 lbs and tall!!!!
LOL!!! I had the same problem Lisa!! It took me forever to figure that one out! The DH means dear husband. If you go to the top of the main page (or even this page) (toolbar) there is one on the right called "EXTRA!". If you click on it it will take you to the New Member Welcome Info and there you can click on" Acronyms Explained" or something close to that. There is a complete list of the acronyms used on DK. It was really helpful for me!
In my book it can mean all things but I normally think "Doodle Husband" rather than "Dear Husband"...though I do like the "Dumb Husband" idea which is very appropriate at times!!! lol
Too funny Nancie! My husband does this to our girls, except he calls it a PLOOF ( don't ask me where that came from) However, they don't just lay there. As soon as he does it, they scramble to get up and lick his face all over. Not sure who enjoys this the most - him or the Doods.
This is soo cute! And what a nice bed she has in her crate! Our girls don't want anything in their crate except some toys that they take to bed with them each night.