Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Last Thursday DRC was contacted by the rescue coordinator of a large city animal control facility in North Carolina. They had three young male doodles who were relinquished by a puppy mill and they needed rehabilitation to help them recover from the trauma of  puppy mill life.



These beautiful young boys need socialization and rehabilitation. They need to learn to live in a house and with a family. They need to learn how to just be normal, happy doodles. They also need veterinary care, something they never received while at the puppy mill.




DRC quickly put out a call to our volunteers and  3 wonderful foster homes were immediately located. Several volunteers stepped up to plate to drive the boys to their respective foster homes where they will undergo their rehab care. As I type, 7 DRC volunteers are en  route as they "Doodle Train" these boys to fosters in North Carolina and Georgia. 



Our amazing  DRC volunteers will be driving 1200 miles total by the end of the day, all to give these sweet doodle boys their first taste of freedom and ensure that they will have a happy life.



We want to personally thank EVERYONE who is participating in this heroic effort and thank all of you who so graciously support our rescue and our work on behalf of doodles in need.


Thank you all so much from the bottom of our hearts....


We could not do what we do without all of you!





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Again - thank you to all the drivers on the Three Amigos Doodle Train (and of course to my foster counterparts)! I have the "straight-haired" doodle boy (pictured below). I named him Harvey (not related to the movie, but because I feel like if he could speak he would have a very raspy voice and ask for a glass of scotch and a cigar - I'm such a nerd!). Harv is still a bit distant. He simply doesn't trust me or his surroundings yet, but when I went to get him out of the crate he started wagging his tail. I took that as a VERY encouraging sign. We're going to be all about the baby steps. Right now, he's a scared little doodle boy and he makes me cry a little. And laugh - while he's so scared and won't touch food, the water bowl, etc he LOVES to drink out of the toilet. He's spent the day at the vet and is underweight (by approx 10 lbs), has an ear infection, some skin sores, and a UTI. All very managable! I got the all-clear to let him be around Callie (who spent the night at a neighbor's). They met briefly last night and were fine, but tonight will begin the doodle immersion (you know where Callie ends up being the "foster mom" and I'm just there to walk, feed, and entertain them ;-) )

Even his dirty scruffy look is adorable. Look at those eyes! I cannot wait to hear updates on this boy.
He is a very cute looking boy and I'm looking forward to seeing him grow cuter by the day. Thanks for your fostering and posting.
Thanks to everyone involved in helping these poor babies. You are all wonderful.
thanks to everyone! I just got my 2nd foster on Wed and the feelings of helping save a dog's life are amazing and contagious! I needed a doodle train too and we were able to rescue Bear- now Benson from a kill shelter in VA. Thanks to the train drivers and the fosters! LOVE DRC
If it weren't for your organization we would have never had the opportunity to adopt our beloved LabraDoodle Coco (how did we ever live without her?) . And now to see these beautiful dogs that you've rescued and have given the opportunity to live a normal happy life.... well, all I can say is you all are my heros. Thank goodness for all the special people that are part of your wonderful organization. I'm looking forward to hearing about the progress that these dogs make in the weeks to come as they get a taste of human love and warmth for the first time.



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