Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Warning: this post contains a detailed description of Darwin's poop.

Sometimes, when Darwin poops, I notice something strange. It will be normal solid poop, with small pebbles instead of one large piece. But, when it's coming out... they are all... connected by a long hair. Like, they will dangle below him because they are all attached to it. I am pretty sure it's one of mine because it's brown and the same length as my hair... does this mean he's eating my hair off the floor or something? Is this normal? Anyone else notice something like this with their dog? 

Sorry if that creeped anyone out... LOL 

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Camilla, you crack me up!
This is very normal. It probably is one of your hairs, but he probably didn't eat it off the floor deliberately. It may have been stuck to a stuffed toy he was playing with, or a bone he was chewing, or it may have gotten into his food bowl when you fed him. This is probably why they make you wear a hairnet when you serve food in a cafeteria, lol.
Do not let the doodles see this post. Soon, they will be complaining about how their owners shed!
ROTFL!!!! Yes, I have seen this happen with numerous of my dogs!!! It is pretty amazing to watch, though!! LOL!!
Rats! Another reason to hate my very thin, very short hair. I'll never see dangling poop first hand!! Ha Ha :-)
Everyone should see this at least ONCE in their lifetime!! Maybe you could go visit Camilla and Darwin? OR maybe she could take a video for you...:)
Perhaps... my hair is long so it's a pretty impressive dangle effect. That would make for a GREAT video... LOL.
Okay, now I feel kind of silly... ha ha. At least I know it's somewhat normal!
This happens to both my babies from time to time. Maybe it is accidental as Karen has mentioned but the way mine eat anything and everything off of the ground who knows. I threaten to change their names to Dyson and Hoover all of the time because they are better than having a roomba vacuum cleaner!!!
cooper often poops small connected pebbles (most days actually) - never noticed hair connecting it, but I do have very long, very thin, light coloured hair so im sure i wouldnt notice it unless i looked carefully (which Im NOT going to do!)
You are a crazy chick Camilla. Love your disclaimer. If you post a video, I am calling the men in the white suits to take you away! teehee
I am pretty crazy, yes. But of course, I was kidding about the video... ha ha!
When K was younger, he used to attack Z's beautiful long retriever tail, and eat the yanked out fur/hair by the bundle.

Sometimes he still hunts down the "tumbleweed" of my GR's hair and eats them. We call his output linked sausages --

Rosey once had something "hanging out" of her chute so I got a paper towel and pulled and it was part of a sock with her "frosting" :)



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