Oh my goodness, is that not the cutest....Oliver is too big to carry around like that, but he loves to hug my best friend when she comes over, he waits till she sits down, and then she says ok Oliver, and he puts his paws around her neck and hugs and kisses her....I did not teach him to do that, he just does it. If we sit on the couch, he will lie his head on our lap, and he takes your hand and wants us to hold his paw. He will sit next to my husband, along side of his recliner and he will give him his paw and they watch tv together that way. He leans into us when he wants some loving, if we are standing. Of course he is very spoiled when it comes to loving and petting and snuggling, lol....
Can you just picture me lugging big ol Murphy around like that? He'd be holding on for dear life cuz he'd be afraid his weak little mommy would drop his big ol butt!!!!
However, he does love to cuddle. He's only allowed on outside furniture, but we sit outside everyday and he comes and cuddles on our laps. Also, if you sit down on the floor, he'll back into you and sit on your lap. He's bigger than me so it's a little awkward, but cute.