Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Do you let your doodles ride with their head out the window? Darwin loves to do this, and he seems to be a lot more antsy when the windows are not down. He is always harnessed in but an still easily reach the window to put his head out. Sometimes I worry that the car will kick a rock up into his face or something, although this has never happened. Do you allow your dog to do this? Do you think it's too risky to be worth it?

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Yep, Jackdoodle does this, and yep, I know I shouldn't let him. It is dangerous. It can hurt their ears as well as the risk of debris in their eyes, and flying objects like rocks that you mentioned. He kind of hangs his head down and rests his whole face on the car itself, though, I have slobber marks all down the side of the car door.
Kona won't even put his nose near the window. I thought WTD, too. Interesting to find he's not alone in this.
Bandit loves to do this and I let him he has to stand in his seat and put his paws on the arm rail, I do not let him on the highway or if we are going really fast. I was going to get him doggles but DH said NO.

Darwin, Murphy says there is nothing better than feeling the air in your teeth. Go for it!
Yes, but Murphy has a convertible to ride in!!!! ha ha
That's because his head would hit the ceiling in an ordinary car, lol!
It hits the ceiling in his convertible. lol

He is regularly mistaken for a "big, hairy, blonde hippy" lol!!
Awwwww......he looks so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love it Murphy!!!
How cute!!! I wonder what he is smelling?
Daisy likes to stick her head out the window, but only when the car is stopped. She is a big chicken... I think she's afraid of the wind! If it's windy when we take our daily walk, she hides behind me if the wind blows too hard. :)
Gracie Doodle LOOOOVES to have her head out the window. I too have her harnessed and she is huge so she just sits or stands there with her head out the window. I can see her clearly out my side mirrors. She loves my new car because the windows go all the way down. My other car they went half way and that was a bummer for her neck. But...I only let her do this on surface streets. As soon as I hit the free way or I'm in traffic where there is "stuff" blowing up...up go the windows. She also loves to stand on the center console and put her head out the sunroof. I can hear her cheeks flapping and the wind blowing through her mouth. She has much the same look as Murphy does in is convertible!!!! Happy Doodles! And...yes there is drool all down the side of the car door!!! It goes right along with my DK license plate frame and a sticker in my back window stating she is a GoldenDoodle!
I am so glad to hear that Gracie Doodle has that same look!!! It is so hard to explain.
Murphy's idea of a perfect day!



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