Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I take Fudge and Vern to the groomers about every 6 weeks. It takes Vern (aka Pigpen) approximately 10 minutes to un-groom himself. Does anyone else have this problem?

Here is Vern after a trip to the groomer looking all white and fluffy.

Ok,  here he is about 5 minutes after we get home.

Now he is getting warmed up.

Still Rolling

And later in the week, it often looks like this

or like this

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We need a new discussion........ The real color of your doodle.

Instead of " Hi my name is Queen Ladoodleoffa and my dog, Rova, is a Well Water Rust Color ( instead of Apricot ) We just love her.

Next, we want a Dirt Chocolate Just like Nancy, Ned and Clancy will be getting
My next doodle is going to be a black doodle named either Olive or Oliver. Don't tell my DH...he thinks these are the last two.
Black is good but dust can show. Dirt chocolate - perfect cammo for just about anything!
I am laughing so hard looking at this picture. What a dirty face and I love his ponytail. Not many dogs could carry that look off.
OH yeah. I guarded Starlit after her bath today... she runs to dig and roll after a bath. " Gotta go get that good dog smell back in me", I can just hear her saying.

I had a chocolate lab once who used to run to a faulty septic leak down the street and roll in it every time I bathed him! I cried--literally-- a lot with him.

Did you bath your new baby in the sink? I loved those days.
Oh, a red dog named Ruby....perfect. She is beautiful.
Vern is just a beautiful doodle no matter what! Love his coat. I hope our new puppy Bella looks just like him!
Thank you! We don't seem to get as many mats with him, as we do with Fudge.
These photos are priceless! Vern and Fudge are just gorgeous. Don't you just love the column legs? It'll be a while before Traveler can have anything close to that. Right now his long, skinny legs are matted, and I wouldn't even try to comb those mats out. They'll have to be clipped.
We have to keep Fudge's coat much shorter or she mats too. Thank you for the compliment. I love the name Traveler.
As far as how much is too much to groom a doodle, I am guilty of bathing every week. Murphy is apricot and his dirt doesnt show since our dirt here is mostly red, and very alkaline, so his hair actually feels rough and dirty when he is "dusty". He sleeps in our bed with us and a bath a week is for my comfort I guess.
Been doing it for 2 years, no skin problems, he hardly every scratches, he holds very still for his bath so it's over quick and he always smells good, so it works for us. He does get EPO and/ Fish Oil every day for his skin and coat so maybe that has helped. DOn't know.+
Now Bella, on the other hand is as white as snow, and I', hoping I can make it 7 days. She also is a digger, which Murphy never was, soooo I foresee LOTS of grooming going on here.
Clancy could use a bath every week. His coat really feels so different as the month goes by. If I could talk DH into helping.....



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