Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I think one of the cutest things doodles do is tilt their heads to the side when you ask them a question. But NEITHER of mine do!  I can see one not doing it, but BOTH???   So it's got to be me that's doing something wrong.  Am I not asking the right questions? Is my voice not high pitched enough? 

How do you get your doodles to tilt their heads?

Please help, signed "Tiltless in Arizona"

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I read somewhere that dogs tilt their head when they are attempting to hear or understand clearly. The tilt moves the lower ear flap away from the ear canal "opening" it up to allow more sound waves in. Whether this is true or not, it is cute.
Maybe Ned doesn't tilt his head then because he has such fluffy hair that the ears are already 'out.' Clancy does tile his head sometimes but not a lot.
Oliver will sometimes tilt his head, not always, and at different times....not for any reason in particular. if we make funny noises at him, my husband or I , he will tilt his head. Sometimes I think he is just looking and saying what is wrong with you guys, why are u making stupid noises at me instead of talking to me?...Now our aussie has never been a head tolter, he just looks at you when you talk to him, and he just does what u tell him, lol...Stupid noises don't even interest him, lol, but he us 14 yrs old, and is used to both my husband & I, lol...Oliver can be in the other room, but if I call him, and I can see him, he will tilt his head to look at me, and then mosey in to me at a snails pace, lol....
Allie definitely tilts her head. It is usually when I am asking her a question. I always do this in a higher pitched voice. Not sure what makes her tilt her head but I think it is the cutest thing ever.
No tilt for Porter. Just a very direct stare. The trying to move the ear flap idea is interesting. Makes me wonder if other dogs do what Porter does when he is excited to see someone. He runs to them with his ears curled 90 degrees outward, like he's ready and eager to receive info. Do your dogs do this?
Jack is also a big time head tilter. He does it the most when he hears a word that he relates to something wonderful. For example, I'll get a head tilt if I use the word "take" because he associates it with "take a walk" "take a ride", etc. "Want" is another one, as in "do you want a cookie", "do you want to go outside", etc. But I don't use any certain tone of voice. I just talk to him in a normal tone of voice while I'm getting dressed, folding laundry, whatever, and he picks up on certain words. It does look exactly like what Jane said, that he's trying to figure out what I'm telling him.
Sounds like they either do it or they don't and it's not something we can teach them. Darn!!!
I have one that does, and one that doesn't!
Sage and Tivi both tilt their heads. I agree it's one of the cutest things Doodles do. I didnt realize it is a Doodle trait though. That's cool.  
Gus does, Lily doesn't. Don't know why.
Pocket will consistently tilt his head back and forth if I say the word Elvis. Also, when I ask him a question using a certain tone of voice starting off with the words, "Pocket, did you want to ______."

Do you change your tone of voice to something unusual/different from your usual tone when asking them questions?

P will also do it when I say words he is unfamiliar with (yesterday it was mohawk - he was very interested in this word. Got a good laugh out of the in-laws)
Are you using a highpitched voice or changing your tone? I will work on this tomorrow. Just can't see me talking in a screechy voice now while DH is trying to watch TV. :) Altho.....



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