Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I think one of the cutest things doodles do is tilt their heads to the side when you ask them a question. But NEITHER of mine do!  I can see one not doing it, but BOTH???   So it's got to be me that's doing something wrong.  Am I not asking the right questions? Is my voice not high pitched enough? 

How do you get your doodles to tilt their heads?

Please help, signed "Tiltless in Arizona"

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It is higher than my usual voice, but not at all high pitched, I am more changing my tone and cadence. I sort of pause after "to" (to build up suspense I guess, heh.) It is sort of the same tone I use when I ask him if he wants to go for a ride in the car, to the park, for a walk, to the mailbox, etc., (but then when I change the words, he must be confused and tilts his head.)
Daisy do you want to go outside (outside, play ball, where's daddy, go bye bye) and that head tilts. She is a big head tilter. It has to be something she wants or recognizes. In this case I asked her if she wanted to eat.

THAT's what I'm looking for. A full out TILT to the side and that look like "What ya talkin 'bout?"
Wilson tilts his head especially when he wants to play with his squeeky ball it is so very cute and when he plays with the neighbors dog too
I have them sit and then make a high pitched noise with my mouth and the heads tilt.
UPDATE: I got a Tilt!!! I got a Tilt!!!! I am no longer "TILTLESS IN ARIZONA" (TILT for those of you with vision problems!!!! )

I used the HIGH pitched "eeeeeeee" sound our breeder suggested. So cute. One DH thinks I've finally lost it as he watches me run around yelling "eeeeeeeeee" at my dogs. But a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do to get the all-too-cute-tilt in her life. Surely he understands this, doesn't he??? :0
We have all lost it! What you need to be careful of is when DH tilts as you talk about DK
Oh gosh, we are long past that tilt. He at least does listen now when I talk about DK, as so much good information has come from my being DK Addicted.
He has even been known to ask me "What does it say on DK about......?" And I just heard him tell a doodle owner we met at the "Woofstock" Festival last week, to join DK to find good info and learn about my Arizona Doodle Romp group...So there is hope that he might understand!!! I do know that after 38 years with me he is no longer "SURPRISED" by what he sees or hears and a lot more accepting. Or maybe he's just resolved himself to the fact that I am crazy when it comes to my doodles. :)
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Post a pic!!!
Amen to the advanced comment. Jackdoodle tilts his head 10 times a day, and I have a better chance of winning the lottery than getting a photo of JD's head tilt. Heck, I can barely get a photo of his face at all!
I love Doodle head tilts too!!
Sasha does it whenever I ask her a question...and raise my voice at the end of the sentance.
Oh how cute are these Doodles??
Roo does not tilt his head often or even very much if he does tilt it. Tigger has a great head tilt. Roo's has longer nose and eyes that are closer together than Tigger's eyes. Tigger has a much more "doodle" head, square rather than Roo's more poodle head.

I have read that dogs tilt their head to get something - usually you - into better focus or to see you at all. Animals with wider set eyes: horses, cows, deer, etc have a blind spot depending on how far apart their eyes are placed. Wide set eyes, however, give more peripheral vision which is an asset to animals that are hunted. Predators eyes are usually closer together cutting down on peripheral vision but having a much smaller and narrower blind spot. The farther apart the eyes are set the farther away the blindspot is.

It would be interesting to see if how close or far away you are affects your dogs head tipping frequency or angle.

This would explain why Roo rarely tips his head and Tigger often does and to a greater extent. If you look at the awesome "doodle tilt" picture in this discussion you will see that tilting the head brings the eyes "nearer" together. (If you imagine a vertical line drawn through the center of the bridge of the nose tipping the head brings each eye closer to that line and therefore nearer together for the purpose of focusing on you.)



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