Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Little Dood's paw pads seem so much rougher and more dry than Clifford's. Is there anything to put on doodle paw pads to keep them soft?

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Musher's Secret Paw Pad Protection Wax; my friends who live in the city and have their dogs walk mostly on pavement swear by it.
You can also help his pads from the inside out. Give him some salmon oil and/or a 500 mgevening primrose oil capsule daily, and if you're okay with feeding fresh foods, a hardboiled or scrambled egg mixed in with his food will help over time.
Since we have both EPO and eggs I think we'll start with that. As the winter begins in earnest we'll probably add the Musher's Secret too.
Sure- you can give it any time you want. It does sometimes take a couple of weeks to show results, and needs to be given every day, but you can discontinue it in the the Spring if you want, with no harm done..
Hi Kim, we use mushers on occasion, we keep a big jar on hand and a smaller one in their travel bag. Look on Also the Mane & Tail lotion is great for doodles and doodle moms:)
unless they are cracked and bleeding I don't recommend trying to soften them. Remember snow, hot sand, sidewalks, gravel and other surfaces your dogs walk on can be rough on their pads and if you soften them it will cause them pain. Their pads are like our shoes, the tough calluses are their shoes. They build up calluses based on how rough the terrain is.



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