Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Yesterday, I went to the Butcher shop to get Fudge and Vern some dog bones. Whenever I get out of my car, Fudge always jumps right into the driver's seat to wait for me and Vern takes the passenger seat. I could see them clearly from inside the store. I was paying for my bones and a woman came in and said, "Hey somebody is waiting for you and said to hurry up." So, I picked up one of the bones and waved it in the direction of the car and said, "I am coming already, give me a break!" Next, another woman said her husband had commented on the driver in my car and she wanted to know what kind of dogs I had. I told her Labradoodles and she said, "Well, I told my husband they look like mops." Now, I admit on some days Vern looks like a big, dirty mop, but Fudge never does. Anyway, does this look like a mop to you?


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Might be a dumb question, but what is an OES?

MOPS~Most Obviously Perfect Sweetness........ She must've been a cat

Fudge and Vern are adorable!

Vern and Fudge rock and are adorable dogs.

Their big ol' mop heads are swelling with all the compliments. Thank you everyone!

If Vern is a mop then so is Quincy, they look very much alike.

Clifford and Little Dood should be in the moptops too but that is what makes all doodles so adorable!

Komondors and Maltese breeds have always looked like mops to me, Doodles just look like ---- well, Doodles! 

(Hope no one with Komondors or Maltese's take offense, none meant!)

Fudge and Vern are so Adorable...

And even if they do look a little "Moppy"...well...isn't that the look we love?? 

Sasha is another one who wants to join the band...and...when her coat is long she has a "Real Mop Going On"!!

Right now she is shorter...but is starting to get more Doodley! (smile)

Tell the Boys....that Sasha plays a Mean Bass...and her voice Really Rocks!!  Lol...


LOL, I can't see any resemblance. These pups are way too cute to be mops!

Fudge and Vern are too cute to be called anything even slightly deragatory!

This looks like adorable to me :-)

Sure are cute mopes!  I think Peri looks like a mop when her hair gets down around her eyes.  Fudge doesn't look like a mop though! 



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