Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
DH left yesterday for China and as it is too cold to play golf today I took Rooney and we went new car shopping. I'd like to get rid of the big sedan and go to a mid sized, dog friendly SUV. We stopped at a couple of dealers and then I decided to drive down to Naples to a very up scale, shopping center, we live in Ft. Myers - not as ritzy which I like because I am a more casual type of gal. Anywho, I wanted to pick up something for my daughter's birthday and I had something to return so away we went. Now I've taken Rooney to our Ft. Myers mall plenty of times and yes he does get some attention but what went down in Naples - it blew me away. I am not stretching it to say that 40+ people stopped to ask me what kind of dog he was, tell me how cute he was, ask to touch, pet or hold him. I felt like the Pied Piper. At one point in the lululemon store, I had a crowd of 20 people gathered round. Then one lady was actually in tears - she wanted my puppy that bad - kinda creepy (took me about 20 minutes to get away from her and her family). I handed out every business card I had for Rooney breeder and just ran out. I finally just had to leave the mall, it was impossible for me to shop as no matter where I went, I was mobbed. I love telling folks about Doodles but this was waaaaay over the top. Roo slept all the way home and I am pooped out as well. I guess next time I'll take him to puppy day care so that I can get some shopping done - lol. This was too much even for me, I have to say that Doodles are not very common down here, so I understand and love people's interest but wow - totally unexpected. What the dog? Anyone else have this happen?
Yup--happens all the time. I even had a woman pull her car over to ask questions when I was walking my two in my dad's neighborhood. The lady stalker was just plain NUTS though--Maybe she wanted a puppy from Santa and didn't get one!!
Glad to know that you have all been there to a degree, it sounds kinda silly looking back but at the time was just getting to be too much for me. It was a very crowed day, after Christmas sales (and no blizzard here in FL) not the best day to go. Rooney was walking great on his leash but at times I was picking Rooney up a lot in the stores because I was worried about him getting stepped on, but then trying to keep my hands on my package, purse, sunglasses etc. Yes people were taking his picture on their cell phones (without asking) but that was the least of my worries. Now that I know this might happen - I'll be better prepared but like I said, we've had some attention before, just not THIS much attention. All doodles are adorable and the big ones - just like bears - I can't imagine the attention that they get! I think because Rooney is parti colored - people just aren't sure what he is. I am going to have to take DH down there with me sometime so he can see for himself what happened - he'll never believe me otherwise. LOL. Thanks guys - I always know that I can vent, and like today - whine - here and that you'll always get me back on track!
Lesson learned - it was just too busy of a day to take him to a place like that (although he handled it like a pro) but I was overwhelmed by the attention. I was trying on some workout pants and people were begging to hold his leash for me, sorry but would you let me hold your child while you close a dressing room door? And I love to let kids pet Rooney but I'm trying to tell someone about doodles, listen to the salesperson while making sure the kids are getting to rough with the puppy. Crazy people. And yes Denise - here in FL people take their dogs every place! There are tons of places where you can dine outdoors and your dog is welcome. At the mall in Ft Myers, 1st Friday of the month is Yappy Hour.
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