Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So, the other day, I was watching 'At the End of My Leash' and I heard an owner being repremanded for bathing her dog (a rotti) every 6 months. Now, this was a bit of a shock to me because my Finny gets washed a lot more often than that! Worried about the fact that I might be stripping his coat of precious oils I, quick as a flash, Googled "How often should I wash my dog?" And the answer came back, 'for a non-shedding/low shedding dog, (like my Finny), about every 6 weeks'!!! Now my Finny gets walked every day come rain or shine - usually rain, since I live at the bottom of Grouse Mountain, Vancouver, B.C. And there are no places I can think of around here to take him where he would not come back with his legs up to the shoulder, and under-chasis drenched in mud, or green, slimey sea-weed; (those are the choices and yes, he has quite short legs). As a result, Finny gets washed most days (puppy gentle, no more tears type), but only the grubby bits and we do use conditioner. Is the general concensus that I should merely hose him down (and put up with the stink?) So, may I ask, how often do other Doodle lovers wash their Doodles!?

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I bathe mine when they get it every week or several weeks, their coats are beautful.
Well, I try to wait 4-6 wks, but today I had to wash my guys twice. They got really dirty and muddy after they had their baths.
I usually give Leisel a shower or bath weekly, only because she loves to roll around in dirt and with my small kids laying on top of her, I feel the need for her to be clean. We use baby shampoo (the lavender variety) because one day I was out of dog shampoo, and it was right there. It makes her smell nice, is gentle on eyes, and is gentle on the wallet, too! Every other month she goes to the groomer for nail trims and a good haircut. She has a very thick, wooly coat that is hard to comb through on a good day, so we keep her cut short. I have two other girls whose hair needs to be fixed each day, so I'm afraid in this respect Leisel has to go the low-maintenance route.
Lincoln hasnt been bathed since about November and everyone comments on how great he smells ;) When he does get bathed we have used Buddy All Natural dog rinse shampoo and conditioner. I wrote a post before how i even used it hey it says on the bottle "your buddy will not mind sharing " lol and my stylist recommended on how great my hair has been lmao
We bath Huff once a week and hes not allowed on the furniture or upstairs. Its just because he looks like a very dirty wash cloth if we dont and he smells like dirty doodle ears.
When we gave Huff his first bath we had no doggie shampoo we used I think its Ricitos de orro baby shampoo in a little bottle and we only used a quarter bottle now we use 2 bottles. lol

I bathe Cooper every 3 or 4 months. We live inthe same area as Jessica, but Cooper isnt out as much from the sounds of it. Cooper is chocolate so hides the mud!!!!!!  If she gets really dirty i just hose her down


I use 100% natural dog shampoo/conditioner all in 1 (EarthBath Mango Tango). She does get lots of spritzes in between baths though (again EarthBath Mango Tango)


when she gets wet she still smells mango-tangoey :)


Jessica - you should join us for doodle romps! I see your a member to our group, but not active


Well I've just given Welly his second bath in 2 weeks but that is an exception - it's been Christmas and I wanted him to be beautiful!. But as the weather improves I bath him less often and generally every 4-6 weeks.


I found keeping his coat shorter helps alot. If he gets muddy then a hose down will suffice. Living by the beach also helps alot - the sand just dries and falls out! Oh and another thing to bere in mind - don't have a White Doodle. I'll remember that next time =)



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