Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

  I am always excited to see my class after coming back from a long vacation.  I had about 4 kids absent and just assumed they were sick or still on vacation.  The secretary called into my classroom and asked me to stop by before I left for the day.  When I did, I was told one of the most terrifying stories I think I ever heard..... One of the girls in my class was bit on her face by a friend's dog on Christmas Eve.  She had to have 95 stitches! The German Shepherd got a hold of her face and would NOT let go!  She has 35 stitches between her eyes, about 20 under each eye and more along her jawline.  Not that this should happen to ANY child, but she is just the most beautiful, petite, sweetest little girl!  One who you could picture as a cheerleader and Valedictorian of her class.  Her mom said she is in for more surgeries.  I can't even begin to imagine what this little girl and her parents went through that night!

    Unfortunately, the mom told me she later found out that this dog has bitten three times before.  I'm not sure what happened with the dog, but it surely has turned my stomach!

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First - for Animal Control or another dept. to act - the prior bites have to have been turned in, many people if they do not need medical treatment don't want to "rock the boat" and report it.  Even though it was our dog and not a person - when Rooney was attacked at our dog park we did not report it, neighbors and all (although that dog doesn't come in the park any longer).

Second - I agree that they class is going need to be prepared when the little girl eventually gets to come back.  This is a real learning opportunity for kids of any age on how to have compassion, not laught at someone, etc.

Third- the owners of that dog are looking at a big lawsuit, I'm not one that believes in a lot of that but in this case with the medical and emotional damage - I'd go after them big time.  I too will pray for this little girl!

How sad keeping little girl in my thoughts and prayers....a friend of mine has a sheperd and they keep him locked up when people are around  not friendly to others...

Oh my goodness Shelly, I am sure your heart is just broken, what a horrible story to wake up to this morning. I will be praying for that precious child.

While I realize that the dog is the one that bit the girl and I understand that everyone is upset about that - my anger stems from the IDIOT owners who allow a dog that has bitten previously to be around anyone especially children. What a shame, this is a lose lose situation the biggest losers in the end will be the child and the dog. The owners should be in a kennel! Just shameful.

I can't even imagine what that little girl and her family are going through. I will keep them in my thoughts and prayers.
That poor little girl.   I can not imagine how terrified she must have been. I can't imagine how her mom and dad must be feeling!    Prayers go out to her and her family.
This is so sad.  At least this poor little girl will be coming back to your class....and I know that you'll be there to support her and so will your class.
OMG it must of been horrible for that child, if I would of been there they would of had to pull me off of the dog. This is so sad that the owner of the dog would let the dog around a child even after it had bitten other people. I will say a prayer for the girl. After this she will be afraid of dogs for the rest of her life.;-(
That is HORRIBLE. I hope that something is done so the dog is not able to do this again.
I hate hearing this.  I hope they get the dog under control (I don't even like whispering the words "put down".)
Thanks so much everyone for your good wishes.  I have been trying to contact my student's mom, but was unable to.  I will try again tomorrow.  I don't know exactly what the law is... I am going to find out, but the area in which I teach has way too many dogs in households that - shall we say- are probably trained to attack - NOT in any way saying THIS dog was,... but I can't for the LIFE of me figure out what could have provoked it or why this dog was not crated or outside considering the past history... Hopefully tomorrow I will have more answers!  Thanks again for your prayers and good wishes!
Shelly if we can send cards or well wishes to this child - even in care of you or the school,  please let us know,  It won't help the really bad stuff, but perhaps our cards and letters would cheer her up and let her know so many of us care about her.
Shelly, I feel so bad for that little girl, we went thru that with my grandaughter, she was attacked by a friends dog from the back, knocked down, and had 26 stitches on her back, shoulders and neck, and another 10 on her face.  Ours was a nightmare to see, so I can only imagine this poor childs injuries.  Is there anything any of us can do for this little girl?  I have saved all our doodle holiday cards, do u think she might like to get some mail with pictures on it once she is a little better and recovering?  We could mail them to you, and you could get them to her. Just a thought.  this is such an emotional time for this child, I have seen this firsthand, and it is not easy.  My grandaughter had a very good result, with her sutures and her face is really good, her back and shoulders will be scarred for many years to come.  I will say a prayer for this little girl.  Hopefully this animal has been removed from the household, and taken care dil thru herself over her to protect her, and she was bitten also, just such a nightmare.  Mygrandaughter has two dogs of her own, so she knows that all dogs are not bad.  I was terified that she would be afraid of Oliver, but she was't and when he saw her, he somehow knew that he had to be gentle with her and he was. 



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