Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I was wondering, who is the oldest doodle on doodle kisses. I don't think I have heard of one who is over 4 years old. I hope it is not because doodles don't live that long. So, how old is your doodle?

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Mitzi was 3 last October!
My baby Rooney will be 5 months on Jan. 17th
Aww:) The day after my birthday!:)
Mac was 5 this past October.
2 1/2 - a black doodle with almost no grey yet.  :)
Caeleach is 3 yrs 12 days old.

CJ is 1 yr, 4 months, 17 days old
Harlow will be 2 on the 21st.

My mother inlaw is not on DK, but their goldendoodle is 8 years old!  Tarabelle is the reason I got Peri!!!  And Tarabelle shedded, was a crazy puppy, etc...still wanted one. Love these doods.


Oh and Peri will be 2 on April 6.  Time flies....

Oh my, haha:) Des your mother inlaws's doodle have a gray face?
Hey, Lucy says careful now ....... she has a gray face and she is not quite 3 ...... she says gray doesn't always mean old!
haha:) My apologies, Lucy.:) You are quite the cutie!:)
Not yet, but she is blonde and it's hard to tell....



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