Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My lil 13week guy Brinkley has started chewing on the landscaping bricks, they are 100yro bricks so.... something maybe in them.

Does anyone know why he would be so attracted to to chew on them & should I stop him ASAP?


I have to say my guys BMs really.....................stink, my lab's doesn't smell on this food so I wondered if the poodle in him has something to do with stinky BM or not.


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Bella used to try to scrape the grout out of our tile floors before her adult teeth came in. No damage done, but I thought it was just that she liked to sound or that her baby teeth were hurting and she needed something hard to chew on. I would probably not let her chew bricks just incase she got a chunk off and swallowed it, but otherwise have no real reason why it would be harmful.

Marley eats the grout surrounding our Mexican Saltillo tiles! There was some pitting in the grout and she managed to get a taste... I guess? Anyways, she has managed to removed enough that we can see concrete around a couple tiles!  

She has also found some lava rocks that were buried years ago in a flower bed!

I don't know if it's a doodle thing, but she puts EVERYTHING in her mouth!!!

If you want to discourage the chewing on the bricks try spraying them with bitter apple.

I would make sure you train him not to chew on the bricks.  This takes committment to be outside with him at all times and let him drag a leash and correct him when he goes for the bricks.  Be consistent and do it over and over.  If you can't correct him instantly, make sure he is teathered so he can't get them.  They learn very fast if you are consistent.

No stinky poo advice, but someone will know about that...

How funny, Mitzi has a habit of trying to chew the interior divider wall bricks in our family room.  She almost looks as if

she is trying to sharpen her teeth!  lol !  So far she hasn't succeeded, nor has she damaged the brick. 

Is Brinkley teething?  My Brinkley tried to scrape his teeth on the tiles on the fireplace hearth and rocks when he was teething.  We got him plenty of hard dog approved teething treats and each time he went after something he shouldn't have been chewing on, we said "no chew" and replaced it with a good chew toy.
he is very much teething....on anything I'm having to watch him all the time...likes paper esp.

Spud tried to chew the fireplace for the first few months he was here.  He also licked bricks.  Eventually he stopped.  At the age when his puppy teeth were almost intolerable  I said go for it.  <---- Oh I know how horrible.  Shame on me !!!!!!  

No, honestly my pup grew out of it.  I used to eat pencil erasers and I grew out of that too!

Joanne, I know you still eat those pencil erasers  - you can't fool us!!


My thought is if he is basically just kind of chewing on "a" brick and not eating a whole brick every time he goes outside he is probably not even ingesting much of it.  Probably more of a teething thing.  It doesn't look like there are really any toxic ingredients in bricks and from what I was reading online many animals grind their teeth on rocks in nature.....  Then again I let my Hunter play with 1/2 a brick daily and a cast iron drain. LOL


Shhhh Denise.
Kind of wondering about the stinky poo's you say that he eats the same food as your Lab who on your page is 8 yrs. old.  Is it a good food that's for puupies through adults?  If not maybe that's the problem.
he has rare access to the bricks since he is not outside by himself. I'm sorry to hear about your dog.



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