Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

looking for pros and cons to bells for housebreaking



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We never even considered bells or knew what they were at the time.  Both our previous dog (Lab) and Gracie Doodle have 24 hour a day access to a doggie door that takes them into our patio and side garden which is completely fenced and protected.  It is completely out of view from any of the neighbors and the street.  There is absolutely no need for us to use bells.  I would think it would depend on your living situation.  Obviously if you were in an apartment or condo with no outside protected source, bells would be a must.
We use bells with Knox! I like them and so does he! He rings the bell to go out and then barks to come back in. Training was a breeze!
We trained Cooper with bells.  Worked great for awhile.  Then he figured out that he could use them get my attention at any time.  He would ring the bell and I would come.  He didn't need to go out.  He would ring the bell and lay down for me to rub his belly.  Stinker!
Love the bells but Ginger keeps breaking the bells, rope, string etc.  So I have to keep finding new solutions.  LOL
Darwin just goes and sits by the door when he needs to go out. He will usually stay there until we notice him. If we don't initially, he will walk over to us, look at us, then walk back to the door. We started using the bells when he was a puppy but he quickly figured out that ringing them meant he could go out. He would come in from going to the bathroom and immediately ring them again, hoping to go out and play. He rang them so much we just took them down...
We didn't use bells before Harlow as our boys would bark to let us know that wanted out.  Harlow on the other hand would only stare wistfully at the door in hopes notice her standing there.  The bells get our attention.
We did it with a bell. She got the hang of it after about 2 days.  It helps alot of you are not near your doodle and they have no other way of letting you know.



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