Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Since none of the above are not safe then what is.My dog is a very agressive chewer and i need something i can feel safe giving her.I was giving her nylabones and throwing them out as soon as i seen a piece broken off.But i now know about the dangers of them.I always knew about rawhide and intestinal blockage.then i just found out about antlers and broken teeth.So my question is what is safe for them?

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I do this with Murphy.  Stuff it with peanut butter. CheezWhiz is like cocaine to him. That would be bad. lol

Both Z & K are agressive chewers, and we have been giving them sterilized bone and Nylabone Galileo Souper -- this is the only type of Nylabone which holds up to their chewing, and the few we have now have been around for over a year, possibly two years. 

I second the Galileo. While nothing is perfect we've given these to our heavy chewing dogs for 12 years and never had a problem.
I use sterilized bones also.
Well said Nancy, I'm with you. If we all worried about every little thing that could harm us, our children or our pets we'd all live in little bubbles. Yes it's good to be educated, aware and safe, but to take away a dogs enjoyment of the instinct to chew on hard the off chance they might chip a tooth?  Come on now.
True... but I would not trust ANYTHING when I leave Tori alone in a house unsupervised for any long length of time.
BUBBLES?!  Now THERE'S a GREAT idea!  LOL  Can you tell I'm a worry-wart?!
There are many discussions on deer and other antlers sold as dog chews.
I get mine at
Thank you for this information!   I have been trying to find out where to buy antlers for my dogs!   I just ordered from after seeing this reply.
I give rawhide in moderation and under a close eye.  We use smoked shoulders (I think that's what they are).  The bone itself does not ever break apart, they are HUGE, but sometimes there is some "meat" on them, which the dogs love and can easily digest.  I've never had a problem with splintering or the dogs getting anything lodged or choking or anything like that with them.  The drawback is that when you first give them to the pups, they can be messy, but after a while the dogs clean them up.  They last forever too!  I agree with many other can't go nuts with all this stuff...just keep an eye on the dogs while they chew and they should be fine.  Nylabones are the one thing I actually won't give my big guy when he was a puppy, swallowed half of one and luckily threw it up.  Nylabones are also misleading....the front packaging leads you to believe they are digestible.....which they are I gave up on them.

We've found that Old West Grilled Beef Tendon chews are very inexpensive compared to Bully Sticks and realatively safe can be completed chewed up by mature dogs and when given to young pups we take them away when they are chewed down to 2 to 3 inches.    they are manufactured in Greely, Co of USDA beef and are just grilled/smoked no other processing.    Our dogs love them.



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