Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Ok, so I haven't been the best at keeping up on Buddy's tail hair.  We keep the rest of him short and I always forget to brush his tail hair to prevent matting.  Well, today I tried my best to get rid of the matts and well, I had to cut them out.  So now his tail resembles the cowardly lion's.  I feel so badly.  Promptly when I was done he scurried under DH's desk and out of sight!  I know it will grow back but, please tell me it doesn't look that bad???



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I guess I feel bad for neglecting to take care of the tail hair before it matted. 
Live and Learn Melissa. Bet you won't do it again!

Don't feel bad Melissa.  Who knows what that tail got into.  Spud, in this case, was having a GREAT time playing and he got pine sap in the tail.   Nothing I could do to combat that except cut down the tree.   It happens. You gotta let them play too.

The tail grows back really nice and thick.

Here is Spud's tail.  You did a much better job.

So, it really was Spud who started this fashion trend!
It looks like a swiffer duster.  I agree, it's all the rage in Paris!
:)   It is pitiful.  Melissa's pup looks so much better.
He looks like a little lion cub.  Very cute.
I think it is great.  People always say that doodles look like poodles with a long tail, so this just enlongates the poodle tail a little more.  Very cute!
So adorable.. I can't stand it.. SO cute..Is he a toy doodle or a mini???
Mini - about 30 pounds
I think it looks adorable, no need to feel bad, he is just so cute, and I think the tail is cute too...



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