Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Check out what Murphy's eyes do when he sleeps....It creeps me out!

Now tell me this is normal???  I've never seen anything quite like it, but lately this is the way he sleeps.


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Hey Jane...Dogs have a third eyelid ...It almost looks like a membrane covering the eye...That is what that is...: )


Oh, the third eyelid!! I thought it was the white of the eyes!! When my son is sleeping, his eyes looks like that! He looks creepy, too. ( I think his are the white of the eyes....)
Sanpaku? eyes are like that....
Oh! sorry!  I just saw that Carla already answered with the info!...Sorry Carla....Sorry Jane.... : )
doo doo duh doo! How do you  spell the creepy music from Twilight Zone?

Kirby's eyes do the exact same thing and it freaks us out too :)

I'm hoping you did not disturb his sleep by taking this picture!  How cruel.  He looks spooky er exhausted.
That is creepy. Mine just shut thier eyes.He sure has a cute face though!!!

Actually it is more common then you think. Humans do it to all the time. I used to work in a Cath Lab where we would sedate patients before the procedure, very often, their eyes only half closed and they were asleep.



One of my doodles sleeps with his eyes wide open, now that is creepy!!  He is a nervous dog, so we always wondered if it is becaouse he isn't relaxed enough to close his eyes when he is asleep!

Daisy does it!



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