Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum


Good news. I have been making my own rinse/conditioner for a few weeks and I am quite amazed at the results. I can hardly wait until some of you try it and report back here on this discussion.

This is a simple lemon rinse and has been making my dogs' coats the softest they have ever been. I have been using it alone after shampooing with no other product as I wanted to see just how good it was. Here's the recipe.


Put one sliced fresh lemon and  4 cups of water in a saucepan.

Heat to almost a boil

Remove from heat and let stand overnight

Remove lemon slices and bottle the juice that is now ready to use.


I have been storing this in the refrigerator because I thought it would last longer. Then I put some in a spray bottle and add an equal amount of hot water. Originally I added the hot water because it was too cold to spray on a wet dog. The half lemon juice and half water has been working waaaay beyond my expectations.

I haven't given it a really good test to see if it is an adequate detangler, as my dogs' coats are quite short right now. I am going to try it on a longer coat this next week and I will let you know how that works.


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I was quite liberal with it when I did it. I put some in a measuring cup and poured down the back and then used a spray bottle for sides, legs, belly etc.
Barb, where did you get this idea? I can't wait to try it.
I was poking around on the internet and found this on a natural remedy site. My dogs had contracted an itchy skin ailment and I was looking for a way to soothe them. People have been using lemon rinse on their hair as long as we have had lemons.
when I was a teenager I used it to "lighten" my hair, not sure if it really worked or not. :-)
I remember when that was very popular. I have been wondering if my dark doodles will change at all. lol
Thank you Barb for this recipe.  I have been using it all week.  You're right -- the dog's coat is really soft and looks great!  Am getting lots of compliments on Kirby. 
Okay, I tried the lemon spray yesterday. We sprayed it on him while he was wet, just before blow drying. We were pretty liberal with it, and I have to say it worked really great! He is super shiny and soft, and DH even commented, which means it was a noticeable difference. Yay! Thanks for the tip.
Has anyone had a chance to try the lemon rinse as a detangler yet? This is so cool. I am definitely going to try it on Tara at her next bath!!
I noticed that his hair was easier to brush as I was drying him. Usually it's kind of hard to pull the slicker through his wet hair but it went through nicely this time. I haven't tried it on any mats though.

How long is Darwin's hair right now?


Barbara, would this work as a spritz daily on a dry coat?  My doodle's hair is sort of fly-away after getting back from the groomer today.  Won't get started on the groomer (shaved bridge/snout... really still ticked as I took pictures and explained over/over.  Even told him the last groomer did it/I hated it.  I don't get it.  At any rate... the cut wasn't very good either around the eyes.  Once beautiful eyelashes now gone.  See... got started.  Back to the lemon rinse... work as a daily spritz?  Thanks!
I can't see why it wouldn't work as a daily spritz. I'd probably dilute it some if doing it daily. There were no exact instructions where I found it, so we are all experimenting.



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