Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So we took our nine-month old puppy JoJo to the vet today suspecting that he might have some sort of intestinal blockage.  We have lectured our kids about keeping their toys picked up, etc.  For the most part, we do a pretty good job.   We thought maybe JoJo had somehow gotten a hold of a child's toy or perhaps he had pulled something off the kitchen counter (plastic bottle cap or something).  We were surprised when the vet called and said that JoJo had swallowed a rock and surgery was necessary.  (Maybe we shouldn't have been surprised because this puppy seems to chew on everything!)


Anyway, questions to the group:  Is there reason to believe that JoJo will learn from this experience and not swallow any more rocks/stones?  If not, is there anything that can be done to prevent this from happening again (aside from paving our yard in cement, not taking him on anymore walks...)?

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I have no advice on the rock eating issue, but please keep us updated on JoJo's surgery! 
I doubt he will have learned a thing from the surgery since there most likely is no connection in his mind. Spraying the rocks with bitter apple and close supervision, with training, may help teach him.

He will definately not learn from the surgery... as he won't correlate the two events.  But you may need to supervise more closely outside and try to train that rocks are not acceptable behavior.  We used to have a rock garden and I would take the rocks out of their mouths with a firm NO.  


Keep us posted on JoJo's recovery:)


Well, you could move to south Louisiana. We don't have rocks. We have mud and clay and sand and silt.   I'm a geologist and make all my friends bring me "rocks' from their trips. I ship rocks back from  my trips.


I sure hope JoJo's surgery goes well. Poor little guy.

Come to Newfoundland, all we have is rock.

Thanks for the good wishes.  We pick up JoJo tomorrow, so I'll post an update then.  I do think supervision is the key.


RE the bitter apple:  I've already had my son go out in the yard and spray all the poop with bitter apple (after trying w/o success pineapple, brewer's yeast, and some other product that PetSmart sells).  Now, he can look forward to spraying all the rocks in the yard.  ;)  I need a five-gallon bucket of the stuff.

Rocks are toys, so are roots, sticks, and anything else they can get their mouth on. :-)  We've not had any rock eating that I'm aware of, but Scout eats just about anything else he can.  He's 13 months now and getting a little better, minds a little more, etc.  Hope your pup has a quick recovery.  Are you going to a human training class?  Does wonders with leave it training, etc.


Its just as easy to pick up the dog poop as it is to spay it with sour apple spray I would guess.  We have a rotating Doodle chores schedule for the family - food - poop - walking - alternate.


Good luck!

I have no advice on the rock eating, as Oliver doesn't eat them, but he does eat leaves and acorns, and I found out here that acorns are very bad for them.  I watch him like a hawk now, and he knows I am watching him.  We do a mouth check before we come into the house.  He is walked on a leash, as we do not have a fenced yard, and I don't think the golfers here would appreciate him running on the course, our house backs up to the golf course.  he thought he could fool me by hiding it under his tongue, or up in the gums on top, but I was able to see what he was doing, and I check his mouth throughly before entering the house.  I am hoping that JoJo's surgery will go well, and his recovery will be quick.  Keep us posted please....
No advice but I hope JoJo recovers quickly. Poor pup.

My only advise is "supervise" outdoor play and the minute you see him with a rock in his mouth (DON'T YELL OR SAY ANYTHING) just grab a BIG stick and make it look fun.... RUN in the opposite direction calling him and acting "SILLY".... it's the only thing that worked for me. 

The rocks would DROP from the mouth and she would go for the stick (and I would play and praise her).  It took quite a few sticks, and alot of supervision, but it worked....  I think a FAV or SPECIAL toy would work also.  Just BREAK the rock "concentration"/"obsession".....  

She's 3 yr old now, but no rock issues anymore.  She pushes them around and naws a bit on big ones, but I continue to  "break" the interest with somethin "BETTER". 

I've had to rescue a few rocks from Ollie's mouth. I don't know the answer but I'm watching this thread. Good luck with the surgery.
So sorry to hear about JoJo. I hope he recovers well !!!



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