Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am going crazy with my dogs lately... Cagney the labradoodle is 2 yrs old and has not been fixed as of yet,  plans are to have him done in a few months...Timber is 6 yrs old and a Shipoo... both are marking in the house now.

There have not been any changes to anything in the house, no babies, pets, nothing.


Last Fri I had to throw out my large roll top desk, the urine ruined it. I don't know which one is doing what but sometimes I can see the guilt, caught the little one trying to mark up against a chair in my boys room.

My bed, the shoe rack, a wicker vase in my room, new coffee tables ( over 8 mths old ), new couch same age as tables, books on a built in wall book shelf. I am going nuts with this. Nothing seems to be working, I clean remove the odor etc. tell them no, etc. nothing is working....


It seems that when any of us leave the house they are angry about it and show us this by marking. Does anyone have this problem? I am unsure if the fixing of Cagney will help this matter, The dogs trump each other all over the yard and the park. I think that is happening in the house when we are not home as well. I though to setting up a Nanny cam but that is only a small part of the battle, does not fix this problem.


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I told the SO "SOMEONE in this house is getting neutered!" He can choose if it's him or the dog.

Hi there, wow you sure had your share of troubles too!

I would agree with you it sure does seem like dogs have feelings of annoyance etc. after all dogs don't like being teased etc. if they did not feel annoyance they would not growl, bark, bite someone who was bothering them like a child for example.

When my boyfriend leaves the house in the early am hours Cagney comes to my room and cries, whimpers on the floor. Rick said he does that when I leave the house too. When my boys leave for school he barks until he can't see them anymore.

I think until I can get Cagney neutered I might try t he belly band on him and my smaller dog.I don't want to lose any more furniture.

Both of my dogs don't need to pee or poo when they are left alone, they are always looked after before anyone leaves the house. They are definitely marking for some reason.I have had other dogs in the past, one who just loved his crate but Cagney wants no part of it. Perhaps he hated it when he was a puppy when we bought him. He lived in a barn type building and never saw the light of day, not allowed outdoors at all, just pent up in a kennel.It was actually fun to watch him experience grass and watching him find his legs to run that first day. Like a child learning to walk. He also was the shyest dog they had, his sister seemed like she was looking out for him. Rick wanted him because he was the biggest one there. I wish we had taken his sister but we are only allowed 2 dogs here in our city. Cagney may very well have separation issues but why start now.

We will have to see what neutering does, if anything. :)

Maybe try that pheromone-releasing thing that people buy for dogs with separation anxiety.  If there is improvement, you know that anxiety is part of the issue.  I bet extra exercise, mood management and neutering all together will help.
I believe dogs have feelings.  But I really don't think they harbor long term resentment or 'revenge' type thoughts.  Such thinking is way too complex for a dog.  At least to ME it doesn't seem realistic that they are trying to get back at you for leaving them alone.  My first thought is that they know it's safe to mark when you're not there and they are all alone and and able to do what they want so they will.  They probably rarely if ever mark in front of you because they know you won't be okay with it.  But when the cat's away...the mice play.

Here is a  link to a site with some information about dogs marking in the house that might be helpful:

I would put a doggie diaper on them, then clean throughly. Then get them fixed the longer you wait the more it hurts to the dog. Hope this helps.   
Thanks everyone for replying.... I shall try a few things and hope for the best....


I would think that when you leave the house the boys decide to mark their space. And then each marks over the others scent. Could you seperate them whilst you are out?


Firstly make sure the solution you are using to clean up any urine does NOT contain bleach. This will make the smell stronger (to them) and they will just re-mark the area.


Secondly - if you are considering neutering one, make sure it is the subordinate one (the under-dog not the 'boss' dog). Neutering the wrong one could make the problem worse. Perhaps your vet can help with this decision if you are struggling to work out who to 'snip'.



I would put them in a room of the house that is blocked off from the rest of the house.  I wouldn't let them roam the house while you are gone.

Hi, there is no garage, no basement and he will chew through a door if locked in a room, unfort.

Have you attended obedience classes with your dogs yet?


I have intact boys and they do not dare to lift a leg in my house, it is all a matter of training.  Your dogs need consistency and supervision.


I understand crate anxiety... how about letting them play in the garage while you are gone?  You can train him through his anxiety and cure it.


Why is a 2 year old male not neutered?  The only good reason is medical or desire to breed and I would not recommend breeding a boy anxiety and behavioral issues.

No we have not gone to obedience classes... Our dogs really have not been a problem except for the last couple of weeks.... it is odd but I talked to the gal at the pet store and she said her dog and her mothers dog are also doing the same thing. Strange......

We don't have a garage where we live at the present time, as well as there is no basement.

Timber is neutered but Cagney is not, my boyfriend has a hard time thinking about his boy ....going through with it..... but I told him that it is best for his health etc. so it will happen.....

I had a dog for 17 yrs that was not fixed and he never marked. I have had 5 dogs in my life and this is the only time I have had a problem. Just within the last couple of weeks.




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