In celebration of Rooney's 1st opportunity to get down and dirty, let's all show some Dirty Doodles! Here's Lucy and Sophie the first time they got to play in my Mom and Dad's Pond! Cousin Wendy (the Lab) was teaching them about swimming in the pond). They don't look that muddy in these picks, but trust me it took a bottle of shampoo to get them clean.
Wow - I have had some good laughs looking at all of our dirty doodles! Great photos all. DH returned last night from China and could not believe the dirty Rooney pics! Rooney has never ever been dirty, sure a few leaves, sticks in his fur but mud - never. So this Friday - Groomer is coming and Rooney is getting his very first ever big boy haircut. I hate to see those long locks go (the day before his breeder is coming for a visit - I might be sorry about the timing) but it is starting to get warmer here (in the 80's every day now) and I'd love to take Rooney to dog beach so we have to facilitate a quicker clean up. I'll post pics after the big cut! Cross your paws.
I love all these Dirty Doodle pictures! I just went looking through all my pics, and I don't have any of the Irish brothers. I need to find them some MUD!