Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

   I read so much about the wonderful rescue doodles people have, the please for finding a rescued doodle, and I've fostered so I know the demand for doodles.  There are so many wonderful families that apply for each foster. 

   But did you ever think "how can I help"?  Yes, fostering a doodle can be a challenge, especially if you have a busy family or already have your own pack to keep up with .  But nearly everyone can drive a few miles to help. 

   I realized this morning that Doodle Rescue Collective has no transport help in Kentucky.  NONE?  Does that mean there are no doodle owners in Kentucky?  Surely not.This is such an easy way to help!  Maybe you'll get to pull that frightened dog from a shelter and see those grateful eyes first, or maybe you'll be part of a shuttle that each takes and couple of hours, a morning or an afternoon, and donates it to saving a doodle. 

   Please sign up to help.  Transport is the easiest way you can do your part for our wonderful dogs.  You are needed and appreciated, believe me!  I'm sure some of you have wonderful stories of just the drive alone, and how good it made you feel to have that grateful dog sleeping at your side or behind you as you took it to a better place to begin a new life.  Share them here and encourage others to volunteer!


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The photo is of Olivia and Sampson, originally from a puppy mill, as they were taken from Indianapolis to Ohio on the way to foster homes.  Both are pending adoption now!  They were sweet and frightened, having never been out of their crates much in their entire lives. It was a gratifying experience to be able to help them on their way, according to my husband and fello DK member.  He came close to bringing Samson back with him!
Wonderful cause! 
Kathy, thanks for posting this reminder.  I'm still waiting to get a "Doodle Train" call at some point.  I think it would be such an honor to play a role in saving a Doodle.
I have made a few new friends while being a "leg" of doodle train transports.  We normally only drive 1 to 2 hours each way.  Quite often you are meeting the same people at the same places.  I have gotten to know the Georgia State Welcome centers well and the GA/SC, GA/TN and GA/AL state lines.  Doodle train is even more fun if you have someone riding shootgun.

Thanks, Kathy. We need transport help all across the Midwest as well.

Our friend Suzann (Rosey & Bandit's mom) has written so movingly about her experience transporting Gladwyn. I hope others will read it and be inspired:

My Friend Gladwyn

I just received an email from Jeannine, the midwest DRC director, and they really need transporters in my area and Kentucky.  There is a sweet little guy in Cookeville, TN that needs to get to KY this week and there is no way I can leave work this week to get to him by Friday. 



Can anyone help and if so, I will put you in touch with the right people!

He does look like Peri!  I can't wait to see how big he is.  Bet he's not a mini!!

Thanks for posting this Kathy!  And thanks Allyson for putting the shout out about need help this weekend in TN and KY.

If anyone can help, please email me directly at

I'm actually pretty close to the Ohio/KY Border .... my first foster I picked up in Louisville, about 2.5 - 3 hours from my home.  He was a sweet little guy and when I met his family I was so happy that we were taking him from them.

My first 'rescue' was Doodle Training to pick up a rehome doodle in South Jersey. This was a huge, blonde, matted, boy! At the time I had only Samantha and this doodle boy was twice her size in height.  It was a shock to see a doodle so tall. Needless to say it was love at first sight. He now is in the fantastic home not far from us in NJ (but his parents seem to never be free on our doodle romp days) so I haven't seen him except in pictures since.

But to know that this boy went from a neglectful home to one where he rules the roost just is about as good as it gets!!


I want to give a big THANK YOU to all you doodle rescuers, transporters, foster homes, etc.  I had plans for Fri but was able to change them to go pick up the Cookeville cutie.  Jeannine already has someone to pick him up and take him to KY.  Whoever you are - thank you! 

We picked Cash up from the Cookeville shelter and there is something special and addictive about taking a dog out of a shelter.  It will give you warm fuzzies for months to come, especially when you hear that they are in a forever home.  My kids are disappointed that we aren't going to Cookeville because they wanted to go get another doodle from the shelter.  I guess I'll be taking them when we get our next call from the DRC :-)



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