Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Sadie was just spayed today and I was just wondering if anyone has used anything other than a "cone" to prevent the dog from licking the incision area.  The vet has advised that she should wear the cone for a week! I am looking for a more comfortable solution. If anyone has any ideas, it would be much appreciated :)



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Tank top!!!
There have been discussions about a tank top tied at the back. I think even some children's onsies were also used to keep the doodle from licking the area. I, personally, did not use anything. Allie had the suctures on the inside and I just watched her closely and if I saw her try to lick, I just said "Ack" and she would stop. I tried to keep her calm the first day although that was not hard because she was pretty sleepy the first day. I believe I remember the second and third days were the hardest to keep her quiet and especially off the sofa. I am sure Sadie will be fine. Allie says "get well soon"!
I've seen people use tank tops, t-shirts, and boys underwear...
Thanks for the replies.  I was able to find an older post with some wonderful pictures of doodles wearing tank tops.  I will definitely give it a try. Thanks again!!
I would watch to see if she is going to chew and lick.  Not all dogs do. Ned never once paid any attention to his neutering incision. I know he is a boy but incisions are incisions.

Bailey never licked after being spayed.  My vet takes a wait and see approach to the dreaded cone!!


My foster dog Carly is getting spayed today and she is a licker so I'm pretty sure she is going to be at the site.  The sutures will be inside and the outer cut will be glued.  Our biggest problem is she is smart and very limber and can get around the cone (she had to wear one because she cut her leg a couple weeks ago).  I'm going in search of the tank top pictures to see if that will work for her.  Thanks for posting this Amber, I was all set to bring out the cone again!
KoKo is wearing a cone since she was spayed on Tuesday.  One day of getting used to it and she's fine.  Bumping into things, getting stuck under furniture and looking for a "fight".  Maggie, my other doodle, is afraid of KoKo's cone and won't go near it.  That has stopped all the play fighting thus keeping KoKo calmer than she is normally.  I may keep that cone on her for good. LOL
The tank top works great!  I used an old one of my 6 yr old daughters so the fit was snug enough.  Sadie wears the tank top in the day and the cone through the night. Very happy pup!
Isn't she cute!

What size tank is this? Abby goes in this week for spaying and I am not sure what size to buy for her.

 tank top  kids shirt - boys undies .....  rufus  was neutered 10 days ago and still has the cone but when we are sleeping during the  day i watch him he calmed down from trying to get the stiches after  4 days .. but the doc said a full 14 days cone ?? it is getting pretty stinky and besides him trying to eat the plastic is not good i have a few scratches from it as well lol hope she heels quick for ya



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