Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Between getting to know everyone with Yappy Hour and the game of 3 truths and one lie, there is so much to learn about everyone and there are some really interesting and talented people on DK. I would love to know some of the vital statistics like: Age, Married, Children, their ages, professions, hobbies, a dream or goal you have before you get too old to do it. Things that aren't on our profile page already. With all the photos of ourselves we can now put the whole picture of the DK member together.

I'll start:

I am 57 and have been married to my highschool sweetheart for 39 years this May. We have two grown children, Michele 36 and Erik 30 who are both married and live nearby in Az. We have one grandson, Ethan,20 months old, who is my sunshine. I am a Labor and Delivery Nurse, somewhat semi retired and DH is a retired Fire Fighter. I love to make quilts and give one to every family member and so far have about 16 done and about 23 to go. I love to run, work out, be outdoors, garden, read, and spend time with family and doodles. One of my biggest goals is to hike the Grand Canyon rim to rim and also to see Europe someday. Other than that, my dream of being a mom and grandmother is being realized every day.

How about you?


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What a beautiful home and even more beautiful puppies!  Holly looks like she just loves to have fun with all dogs and all sizes. What a lucky doodle.
Oh yes, I forgot.  I get my doodle fix every morning both from Holly and from viewing the wonderful pictures of doodles on this site...

I love this Sue!  So nice to read about everyone :)


Here goes for me:

I am 29.  Met DH in college when I was 21. Ignored his requrests for dates for 6 months, then realized "what the heck am I doing" and flung myself into a 4 month relationship with him for his last semester of school (he is one year older than I am).  We spent the next year apart (me in Dallas, him in Nashville), one year together in Nashville, THREE years apart (him in law school in Atlanta, me here in Nashville).  So we have been together for 8+ years now!  He took the bar and we got married 2 days later - don't tell me I am crazy - he had the date wrong when I planned the wedding!  He thought he would have finished the Bar Exam 10 days before, not 2! 

All of our friends have human kids; ours are Peri and Taquito for the moment.  Last summer we went to Ireland together - my first trip to Europe!  DH has been allll over and I insisted upon a big trip prior to human children.  Now comes the house piece. 

Can you tell I am TypeA?  I need certain things to happen prior to moving to the next step in life.  I am sure some think that is crazy, because you could wait forever...hehe you are certainly right I am sure :)

I work in Administration at a University - have done it since I was 22.  Fell into a management position, which is hard when you are 5' tall and right out of college.  After 6+ years, I feel like I can lead a meeting and am much more comfortable being the "boss" has been an interesting ride.

I have been MIA due to loan application info, renovation planning, etc... because we are buying our first house! Yahoo!  I will live 2.5 miles from my parents, whom I adore, and only blocks from two of my very best friends!  And we will have a yard, a  basement and ROOM TO GROW :) :) :)  Set to close March 25th - please keep your fingers and toes and paws crossed.

The big thing missing from my life is my sister, who moved to Dallas to become a special ed teacher with the TX Teaching Fellows. I am so proud of her, she is 4 years younger, but we are BEST FRIENDS.  I am setting up our guest room in the new house for HER :)

Anyway, that is too much info I am sure, but other quick facts: love to workout, love being outside, favorite season is FALL, I love girls nights with lots of wine, love time with family, my favorite holiday is THANKSGIVING because we see our family friends that I have grown up with every year!!

Here is a photo of DH and i in St. Lucia -honeymoon!!



Allyson, What a great picture of you and your DH! I wish my daughter lived as close as you are going to be to your parents. What a lucky family!
You both look so happy! And I totally understand your TypeA personality, I was the same way. How exciting to be buying your first home and so close to family. Good luck to you both and thank you so much for sharing.
What a great picture Allyson... I thought you were older too... although I think I have seen you in pictures, I didn't think you were only 29!   Thanks for letting us get to know you more!

Beautiful picture of you and DH! Congrats on buying your first home. That is so exciting.

So nice to "see" you Allyson....what a gorgeous couple you are!    I think your "step by step" approach to life is a smart one!     Congratulations to you on your new home what a wonderful and exciting time for you both!!!!

Our Love Story Began as High School Sweethearts ...when we were 16 years old.

We dated through college and then got married right after our Senior Year!

My DH is my Best Friend...the Father of Our Children and the Love of My Life!

This May...we will be celebrating our 36th Wedding Anniversary!!

We have two beautiful adult children.  Our daughter Bethany... is working in Ireland as a consultant for the United Nations. Our son Adam...will be graduating this May from USC.  We are very proud of both of our children...and we are a Very close family who still love to vacation together and spend lots of time with one another!

My husband is a Business Consultant and Executive Coach and I am a Counselor and Life Coach.  Needless to say...we both love people...and enjoy helping them reach their full potential!!

We are very fortunate to live on a beautiful lake in South Carolina...and we enjoy water sports...boating...and kyaking!

I enjoy interior decorating...and have worked with a number of companies and people to decorate their facilities and homes.

We enjoy a a family and with our friends!

We've been fortunate enough to have the opportunity to go on a number of cruises...and some of our favorite destinations include Alaska...Italy...France...Malta Spain and  Greece.

We will be leaving for Ireland to visit our daughter in April...and will be going on a Baltic Cruise in July...which will include Russia.  I've always wanted to visit there!  In  October we will have a Romantic Hawaiian Get-a-Way... which will be a wonderful way to end the year!

Even with the opportunity to travel to all of these wonderful Very Favorite thing to to spend time with my family and friends...and entertain in our home!

It was two years ago this year...that I began to feel the "longing" for the "pitter-patter" of little feet around our home again. 

That was when I said to my DH...I either wanted to adopt a baby ( I really did mean it) or...get a dog!!  Lol...

Well...the decision was made...and we decided to bring our new baby girl into our home...and we named her Sasha!!

Our lives have been forever blessed and enriched...and Sasha continues to bring and love into our lives daily!

I love my family and friends...and my girl Sasha...and I am truly a blessed  and thankful woman...


I'm going to try and upload a few  I am still a bit computer challanged when it comes to doing this on've missed out on some of the fun!  I hope it works!  (smile)



It worked, Susan, and what a great photo. You have been to some amazing places and your view from your house looks like a doodle's dream come true :)

Thanks Laurie...

The photo was on our last cruise two months ago.

We went to the Caribbean and it was so nice to be in the sun in January!

Yes...the lake is a Doodle's dream come true...

II can't keep Sasha out of the lake!! Lol...

Maybe Vern could come for a sleep over afterall??

I'm sure he'd love to romp and play in the water with Sasha!!  Lol...


What a beautiful family. You are certainly blessed. Thanks for sharing it all with us. It's so nice to really get to know everyone. It feels like we are creating our own unique DK family



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