Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Little freaked out right now! I've spent the last hour reading through all the posts here but I think I'd like to hear what you all think about my particular situation.
My Socrates (male, 20 months old) was playing with his toys and running around as usual, when all of sudden I turned around and he was in the corner of the kitchen with his head down and rear up, shaking and looking like he was on ice and couldn't get his legs under him. He was fully conscious. I got him off the linoleum, thinking he was slipping (although he's never had a problem in the past, it's not really a slippery surface) and once on carpet he remained on his feet but still shaking a bit and carrying himself very low to the ground. Then it all stopped. I got him to lay down and called the vet, who said it sounded like he may have had a small seizure.
She didn't seem too concerned, said to mark it on the calendar and watch him closely, and to call her if it happened again. She said some dogs have one and never again, and some have them more frequently but she didn't want to start any medication until very necessary because of the side effects.
Does this sound right? Does that sound like any seizure behavior you have witnessed in your dogs, and should I take Socs in to be seen and ask for bloodwork? I would much rather be proactive than wait for something bad to happen. It's been an hour now and he's acting just fine - he wants to play, he is eating and drinking for me, and he responds to any command.
Also, there are no out of the ordinary environmental issues I can think of - no new floor cleaner, food or medication. I did give him a new toy last night, just a chewy, squeaky thing. I use Swiffer on my floors and a baking soda powder on my carpets to help get up the pet hair, but not recently. Trying to cover all my bases here.
Any insight would be very much appreciated. Here's hoping this is a one-time deal!
Your vet is correct. It could be a one time deal. I would consider getting a full blood panel to make sure everything is in the normal ranges. A couple things to think about are whether there have been any changes in any of the cleaning supplies used in your house, any new furniture, any food changes or medication changes. My thinking is perhaps low blood sugar.
I will now give you some of my standard advise in case there is a future seizure.
Keep a big bag of ice in the freezer. There is some evidence that by placing the ice back on the lower back during a seizure will shorten and lessen the intensity of the seizure.
Keep some plain vanilla ice cream in the freezer. No matter the cause of the seizure, the dogs blood sugar will drop from the seizure. A tablespoon or so after the seizure will help to restore the blood suger level.
Important to remember keep your hands away from his mouth during the seizure, he has no control of his actions. Just make sure he is situated so he cann't fall or bang into anything.
Hoping that this is just a one shot deal.
I agree with what your Vet said.Many dogs have a one off seizure and get put onto Medication for their whole life with associated constant blood tests and side effects to other organs. It definitely was not a GRAND Mal seizure or he would have been unconscious.It could have been an allergic reaction towards the new toy!
I have no medical advice that I can give you, but I know how concerning this is. Murphy had a single seizure episode a couple of months turns out that it was associated with a fever he spiked quickly due to another illness. I was so worried, and I'm sure you are too. Here's hoping this was a fluke and it will never happen again.
Hi Samantha,
I hope that both you and Socrates are feeling better. It is pretty scary to watch your puppy child have a seizure.
I am a bit curious as to why your Vet didn't want to bring him in to get blood work but I have limited experience and afterall, she's a Vet. I have a feeling (from the posts on this site, and the tendency for both Poodles and Goldens being more prone towards seizures) that it is not uncommon.
I hesitated to post a comment here at all. My boy Dooley had one seizure this Summer, and thank God has not had one since. I don't even want to bring it up, as if the mere mention of it would bring on another. Yet this group of Doodle owners was very comforting to me when I was so worried about my boy, so I feel it is my turn try to be supportive as well.
I do agree with your Vet, that at this point, placing Socs on meds is unwarranted. If it happens with greater frequency it may be an option, but still not necessary. The meds do have side effects that may make Socs not himself - mostly lethargy. If he has another, just comfort him as I know you would. When he is able to eat or drink, give him something high in calories, since having a seizure is like running a marathon and burns a lot of energy. I read on one site to give Hagendaas ice cream (spelling?) as it has no preservatives, but plenty of calories. Of course it is dose dependent based on weight.
My big boy Dooley (knock on wood - as I rap on my head), has only ever had one seizure. I hope that it is only once and done. Hopefully it will be the same for Socrates.
Good luck with your boy and try to relax. He is obviously in the good hands of his Mama.
By the way, he sure is one handsome boy!
All the best,
John Scipione
This is all very comforting, thank you. It's been a few hours and Socs still seems fine, just a little tired. One thing - I can't find anything online that describes what I saw, everything I've read sounds more serious thank goodness. Have you ever seen anything similar?
Again, thanks for the feedback. Fingers crossed!
Hi Samantha- I sounds like your sweet boy had a mild seizure. Getting a full panel bloodwork can't hurt anything and may give you and your vet some answers. I'm so glad she said no meds for now. Our Bella had her first seizure exactly one year ago - a big 3AM wake up call. Her's was a grand mal lasting nearly 5 minutes followed by 30 minutes of blindness. We were totally freaked out. Bella also has Addison's disease and we thought maybe the two were linked - but that isn't the case. Our vet also told us no meds unless she had more seizures - which she did/does. In fact, she had a very mild seizure this morning - much more like what your boy had. Do have the ice pack ready and the ice cream - just in case. Bella has gone as long as 4 months between seizures - but has also gone only two days. I think one of the biggest things is for you to educate yourself and then "TRY" to stay as calm as possible during and after the seizure (IF he should have another one). Read up on anything/everything you can on seizures so you are educated and can discuss all the details with your vet. We'll all keep our paws crossed that this is just a "one-timer" for your boy.
It's been 24 hours and Socs seems just fine! He was really tired last night, but I gave him a little vanilla ice cream and that really seemed to help. He's nudging his toy against my shin right now, wanting to play :) Fingers crossed we never go through that again, but if we do, I know there are a ton of super nice, caring, and informative people here. Thank you all for helping a worried mommy!
So far, so good...he hasn't had another one!! Fingers crossed, since he's home a few days of the week by himself so I wouldn't totally know, but he is healthy as a horse and happy! Thank you all! :)
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