Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I just might lose my lunch over this...I'm so upset I could cry.....or skin two dogs...haven't decided yet.(crate update)

Yes, they are still puppies. Yes, we walk them every single day and play and play and play and play. Yes we thought we had totally puppy proofed our dining room but somehow, our beaver doodles CHEWED their way into a cabinet and drug out, tore-up and chewed beyond recognition some of my linen napkins, a Longeburger basket and liner, and antique cookbook of my great grandmothers (with her writing in it) and of all things, a bottle of Elmer's glue...all in a 3 hour period.

When I opened the front door today, Penny was standing on the gate with one of the Longeberger liners in her mouth, all proud of herself and making happy, happy, wookie noises. Ginger knew right away that they were in BIG trouble and immediately ran for cover as if I was going to beat her or something. There they both stood, covered in glue and pieces of antique cookbook stuck all over them...I would have laughed if I hadn't been about to throw up. I don't know what to do. We've tried everything except selling them….CHEAP! Oh! And one more YES….They had plenty of toys to chew on. I guess it’s time to kennel them during the day. So sad though, we got two so that they would have each other and stay out of trouble. Instead, they are partners in crime on a mission to destroy my house one bite at a time.

"CALGON tequila take me away"

So I think a few of you might have missed the pics I posted so I'll puth them here...and...THANK YOU ALL!  I'm so encouraged by your posts. :)





Find the treats!!!

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I appreciate you're taking the time to explain...and I KNOW you're right!   I am just too excited and have waited to long for this puppy to come in my life!  I'll just be forewarned!
Atleast Neely only ate our baseboards and licked a couple holes in the wall.



OMG!  A Longerberger basket?!?!


Naughty doods!


I always crate mine when I go out.  I don't trust them as far as I can throw them.  Little beasts.

oh holy poop. I just keep shaking my head. Yes, be diligent about the toys and trying to tire them out. A safe crate will be the best until they eventually outgrow this. On my page, I have a list of the things Malibu destroyed in her puppy years. UGH. They are very worth it when they do decide to be human and not do all that damage. OOOPs, did I say human... I meant more grown up! haha
Thank you all soooo much for your support. Thank you Jaynie for the gift too. We're off to the store to get a second crate today. Fingers crossed that they adjust quickly.
of course you know...filled with all kinds of goodies....GOOD LUCK!  Keep us posted!

Hi Donna, thought you might have a smile with this little video clip since a little time has passed.


Who is the Guilty Dog?

OMG....I'm doubled up with laughter!!!!!
that is hilarious!!!

That is SOOOOO Funny!!! I asked them both the same question and they both just looked at the other Either they were each blaming the other one or giving each other the "Time to look really cute" signal...idk, I'm getting over it now.  Today was the first day in the crates. Ginger did REALLY well, just laid down and chewed her treat. Penny started shaking all over and, as I found out when I returned home, wet the crate.  It may take an army to get her in there tomorrow.  We'll see.


Thanks for sharing...I loved it. 

I'm glad you are feeling better.   On the Kong website (Receipes to stuff the Kong toy)  you can find some yummy receipes to stuff the Kong toys and many can be frozen and pulled out to give the babies only when they are being crated.   My daughter has done them on a consistent basis and her dogs love to go to their crates for these treats.  


Something we have shared with our folks regarding crate training too is that if you start the crate training when you are home and in the room or within sight of the dogs just 15 minutes or so and then let them out and do something fun it will help them adjust.   Also another thing we have learned is never to call them to you and them immediately crate them or you may find them not wanting to come to you.   Instead call them to you and spend 10 minutes of fun and or small treats (Zuke's mini naturals are good to play with them with) and then "kennel up" helps to avoid the big shove into the crate program.


If you want I have an article that we share with our puppy parents on crate training which is much on the same page with our thinking and I can send it to you.   Sherri

Thanks Sherri, I'd love that.



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