Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Our Labradoodle Tobey... is blonde and the bottom part of His beard is allways dark/wet/and dirty looking my DH wants to cut it off..Do you cut it or not? Any opinions???

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LOl! On you that is one cute beard. My girls are going 'wink wink'.
I would never cut Cooper's Beard.  I see it as a distinct feature of a Doodle, and do what some of the others do, and keep a washcloth and towel handy.
You can't cut it off!!  The beard is what makes doodles so special!  You could trim it a little to tidy it up, and try using baby shampoo or something to keep it clean and sweet smelling.  But, please don't cut his beard off!!!
I trim coopers beard but not too short. About an inch or so
I trim Sonny's beard. Took me a while to give in but I couldn't stand the wet, dirty beard. If you can take cleaning it everyday, then that it's great. I didn't want the wet, dirty,  beard cuddling up to my face. Plus it was getting matted so off it went. Sonny still looks like a doodle!

Amazing how much Sonny looks like Gracie Doodle!!!  The only difference is she is more Apricot and I keep her ears shorter.  When I saw this photo I had to do a double take!  Such sweet faces...both Doodle and daughter!!!

I say keep the beard it is what makes a doodle so cute (I am not saying that the doodles with no beard aren't cute). It is one of the cutest things on Huff and I love how he looks.
I like beards, but a beard doesn't have to be 4 inches long to look doodley.  On Rosco, however, if his beard is cut too short he just looks like his chin is missing.  Looks dopey on him so despite the ick factor, I always keep SOME amount of beard on him.  It totally depends on the dog and their head/face structure and the rest of their fur...some can get away with a shorter beard than others and still look doodley.

I keep my Gracie Doodle beard-less!!  I think girls should not have beards.  Just keep the upper hairs soft and fluffy and just about at lip length (not above) but not with a straight edge hard cut.  Keep it soft.  Gracie is every bit Doodlish looking...because she IS a Doodle!!!!  If you mess too much with the snout and bridge of the nose, that is where you start getting the Poodle look.

I keep both of my guys short when I groom them and let it grow to about an inch and trim it between grooming. I also shave them down pretty close all over, so a long beard wouldn't really look good. I also keep everything else in proportion such as the snout hair to the lip line and ears as well. I just groomed Bella yesterday and I will try to catch her and take a pix.
I love the doodle look too, but I just have to put practicality over looks, especially when there are two. They would have the floor wet all the time from dripping, the food that gets caught in it would be all over the rugs and couches when they rub their faces, the kisses would just be so slobbery and they get stinky when too long. They also drink water from the pool so they get their faces soaked. No beards here. Less time cleaning up and more time for cuddles.
Rosey has no beard...cuz she is a girlie doodle. I let Bandit grow a beard last fall since he is a man doodle now, but he looked like devil dog in his goatee so it was trimmed at the last grooming.



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