Have you ever let your doodle fast, as in not eat anything and only allowed to drink water? Well, we decided to start Huff on a fast a week ago and he was very upset at first. He wanted his treats. We did not give in. He did not get dinner. He hasn't had anything to eat for a week and now he seems very lethargic. I think he is lethargic because he is getting all of the bad energy out of his body. I think this is good for him. What do you think?
Ok, u got me for a minute, lol, then I said, she would starve herself before not giving Huff food, lol....I forgot today is April fools day...Dummy that I am...
Ok, everybody, I have to let you know now. April Fools!:) I was kind of worried that you would all be mad at me for letting Huff starve. haha:) You guys are too smart!:)