Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Does your doodle match his horoscope. Quincy is a Capricorn and 80% of his horoscope describes him pretty well.
March 21 to April 20
Adventurous, energetic and courageous,
enthusiast, confident and dynamic
on the naughty side...
Selfish, quick-tempered and impatient,
foolhardy and likes to be a bit of a daredevil
Being where the action is, wants to be the leader, being challenged and spontaneous
Having to wait around for what it wants, being bad and having no-one to compete against.
The young Aries is adventurous, ambitious, impulsive, enthusiastic and generally full of beans. The Arian dog is a pioneer both in thought and action, very open to learning new tricks and a lover of freedom. It welcomes challenges and will not be diverted from its purpose except by its own impatience, which will surface if it doesn’t get what it wants. It may be unwilling to obey or submit to directions for which it cannot see no reward, or if it just cannot be bothered at the time. The Aries dog's immense energy makes them dynamic and restless, headstrong and capable of sulking if they feel they have been ignored. As an Arian this dog likes a challenge that will stir it into action be it a ball to fetch or bone to bury. They love to run around and climb things and with their rashness, impetuosity and wholewhearted physical commitment it can make them liable to accidents and physical injuries.
April 21 to May 21
Patient, reliable, warmhearted and loving,
persistent, determined, placid and likes to feel safe
On the naughty side....
Jealous, possessive, inflexible,
can be self-indulgent and greedy
stability, time to do nothing but lay around in comfort and pleasure
being disrupted while it is doing nothing
being stuck indoors
being made to do more than it wants to do
The Taurus characteristic traits are extreme determination and strength of will - no one will ever rule them, but they will willingly and loyally follow a leader they trust. They are lovers of peace, and love to have their toys and creature comforts around them. These dogs are generally dependable and dedicated to their owner but at times can push their limits just a bit too far in anticipation of another pat or ‘good doggie’ from their owner. They love to give affection, are gentle and generally good natured around people and other dogs and can become quite possessive of their owners, but beware if continuously provoked as they tend to lose all self-control. This dog thrives on the good things of life, lots of fun, comfort, good food and plenty of it. Being very obedient is a strong point and the rewards that go with it, loves routine like going for daily walks and having its dinner at the same time every day and dislikes any changes. Because their body type they have an inclination to physical laziness. Taurean dogs can become quite overweight.
May 22 to June 21
Adaptable, versatile, youthful and lively
on the naughty side...
Nervous, tense, cunning and inquisitive
barking to get attention
doing new and different things
having someone around to play games
with all day long
being stuck in the backyard
just lying around
being left alone
When these dogs are good, they are so very lovable however, when they are naughty, they are more the worse for being the charmers they are. They are lively like little children, and happy, if they are doing what they like to do. They like to learn new things, but lose interest quickly once mastered and constantly need new interests to keep them happy. They don’t like routine and can be doing one thing and then easily be distracted by something else and go and do that. Known for their great affection towards everybody, like children, they demand attention and spending of time with them, lots of hugs and pats, and because they get so focused on what they want to do they can stand there for ages with the ball in their mouth annoying you until you give in and throw it for them. They are never dull - there is lots of playfulness and because of this can become overactive and just bowl others over in pursuit of whatever activity they are partaking in at the time. To keep them at their happiest they need to go for lots of walks and to be kept busy with lots of activities.
June 22 to July 22
Loving, cautious and protective
on the naughty side...
Changeable, touchy and clingy
keeping busy
children to play with
open spaces to run around in
being aggravated
being told he is naughty and conflict with other dogs
These dogs can range from the timid, dull, shy and withdrawn to the most brilliant, highly excitable and home-loving natures. The latter tends to like having a large family around them so they get plenty of cuddles and attention. They also like to have their very own space/kennel and big backyard to call home where they can chill out with all their toys around them, to laze away the days. Cancerian dogs have a retentive memory, which comes in handy for finding those lost buried bones and when obedience training comes into play, but on the other side have many potential faults. They can be sulky, difficult, stubborn and a bit on the clumsy side. As for health problems their excitability mentioned above can lead to weak digestion, gastritis and other stomach ills, and there is a tendency for a weakness of vision.
July 23 to August 22
Warmhearted, faithful, loving, independent and courageous
on the naughty side...
Dominating, strong willed and overbearing
having children around
being the king of the yard
constant attention
being treated meanly
being dominated and
being ignored
The Leo dog likes to be dominating and spontaneous and because of these traits they basically just want to be the ‘King” of their surroundings and human followers. Being born leaders, strongwilled and independent they possess that animal magnetism and creativeness by where they are able to manipulate other dogs and even their owners to get what they are after when they want it so they live and get treated as the ‘King’ they envisage themselves to be. On the negative side their faults can be as large in scale as their virtues and because they are extremely loyal to their owners they will guard them with all their beastly powers if need be, so some obedience training and guidance may be required to curb this natural born instinct. Because they are very self-centred they have a greed for all the attention they can get and will go to great lengths to receive it, because they are of course the boss of their domain and all those who share it with them. They have a great attraction to the opposite sex, so if you are considering getting them a playmate, you couldn’t please them more if it was from the opposite gender. Physiologically, Leo’s tend to have back and spine problems and some afflictions of the eyes.
August 23 to September 23
Intelligent , observant, patient and overbearingly charming
on the naughty side...
Fussy, stand-offish, untrusting, apprehensive
lots of attention
running around in open spaces
loud noises
being alone
being in a small yard
Virgo is the only zodiacal sign represented by a female. These dogs are usually very observant, shrewd, patient and tend toward conservatism in all areas of life. On the surface they are emotionally cold, and sometimes this goes deeper, they have a habit of suppressing their natural lovingness which may result in not having that close friendship which they so desire from those around them. But the outward lack of feeling may, in some dogs born under this sign, conceal too much emotion, to which they are afraid of giving away because they do not trust others, nor do they have confidence in themselves and their judgments. These dogs don’t like to be dominant and would rather just lie around at their owner's feet and follow them around allowing them to feel safe and secure. They like to have a variety of toys to play with and to be kept busy with various activities to keep their minds busy and taking them for a car ride to their favourite park or out bush for some exploring would see them doing what they love best. They love to feel nice and clean so daily brushing and weekly baths will be on the agenda for these dogs. Virgo dogs tend to have a slightly nervous disposition and delicate stomachs so a healthy diet is essential.
September 24 to October 23
Good natured, gentle, faithful and playful
on the naughty side...
Lazy, greedy, possessive and vocal
lazing around
lots of attention
being ignored
being bullied by other dogs
being scolded
Dogs under this sign tend to come across as elegant, charming, playful and quite gentle. They have a well balanced and lovely temperament, but have this insatiable appetite for constant attention and approval, to the point where it can actually become quite irritating. They are very much in tune to their owner's moods and always seem to be sitting next to them at the right time when they sense their owner needs a loyal companion for support. They go out of their way to please their owner and just love receiving pats and rewards for their loyalty. They are very sociable around other dogs and people, loving the play and interaction it creates enabling them to get some more of that attention they constantly seek. Lower back problems are of concern for Libran dogs and because they are great lovers of any type of food given to them, their owners need to be particularly careful they don’t let them get too overweight.
October 24 – November 22
Determined, intuitive, powerful and highly excitable
on the naughty side...
Jealous, obstinate and compulsive behavior
being part of the action
keeping busy doing dog things
getting what they want when they want
not being the centre of attention
having nothing to do and no one to play with
being ignored
Scorpio dogs are the most intense, profound, powerful characters in the animal zodiac because even when they appear self-controlled and calm there is a seething intensity of emotional energy under that placid exterior. They have this way of looking at you which makes you just want to go over to them and pat them, which is exactly what they are after. In their everyday behavior they give the appearance of being withdrawn from the center of activity, yet those who know them will recognize the watchfulness that is part of their character. They are so intent on receiving constant attention that will go to great lengths to receive it, even to the point of doing something they know their owner disapproves of, just to receive some type of recognition. They make great friends with other dogs easily but if they see the other dog is receiving more attention, look out, this jealous dog will make it quite clear to the other dog that he is number one. These dogs just love to be around people constantly and want to basically be part of the family to the point of gathering and surrounding themselves with human belongings such as shoes, clothes and basically anything they can get hold of at the time which has been left lying around. These dogs are prone to ailments of the liver and kidneys and also tend to suffer from various skin conditions.
November 23 – December 21
Adventurous, playful, lively and energetic
on the naughty side....
Impatient, restless and reckless
rides in the car
going for lots of walks
chasing anything that moves
exploring new things
being constrained,
being left on their own too much
having no one to play with
Sagittarians are packed with energy, versatility, adventurousness and eagerness to please and just be part of the household. They just love exploring and travelling in the car. They don’t really care where they go, just as long as they can tag along. They are very protective of their owners and surroundings and will go out of their way to make it obvious how they feel, if they feel threatened. Being very balanced dogs they can easily adapt to any changes within the household. They tolerate having other dogs around, but tend to like to go off and do their own thing at times and if pushed too far will let it be known that they don’t want to be annoyed. They will come across as domineering over other dogs, but really at the time they are just looking to be left alone in their own space. They seemingly appear to be constantly restless. They really are not into lying around doing nothing This dog likes to keep busy fossicking around. Sagittarian dogs tend to suffer from hip and thigh problems because of their activeness and are prone to accidents due to all of their misguided inquisitiveness and adventures.
December 22 – January 20
Easy to discipline, patient and cautious
on the naughty side....
Can be sulky, standoffish and fussy
keeping busy
obedience training
being in familiar surroundings
being around too many strange people
change in daily routines
other dogs that annoy them
Capricorn dogs tend to come across possessing quite serious characteristic traits, however they do have quite sterling qualities such as a cautious, strong willed attitude and there is a calmness about them which just draws you to them. They can be stubborn when it suits them, but their owners are their world and they make it their mission to be underfoot as much as possible. Their owners can often be bewildered by their erratic behavior as they can be surprisingly active and demanding one minute and then suddenly become withdrawn and reserved the next. They have good memories and are great candidates for regular obedience training as they have an insatiable appetite for learning new things and don’t mind showing off what they have mastered. They are very cautious and wary of people they do not know very well, preferring not to meddle with them which in turn doesn’t allow interference with themselves. They make great lifetime mates with other dogs in the household and are intensely loyal and dedicated to them. Capricorn dogs tend to suffer from skin ailments and digestive upsets caused by their cautious nature and tendency to worry about nothing in particular.
January 21 – February 19
Friendly, loyal, independent and ever so lovable
on the naughty side....
Unpredictable, unattached and stubborn
having companions around
doing lots of fun things
being made a fuss off
being by themselves too much
being ignored
getting punished for being naughty
Aquarian dogs display strong and attractive personalities and you could say fall into two types: one shy, sensitive, gentle and patient; the other exuberant, lively and exhibitionist, sometimes hiding the depths of their character under a cloak of playfulness and antics. They crave for constant recognition and are renown for their strong independence of mind, refusing to follow the crowd where they just like to cruise around the backyard, basically doing their own thing. They adore their owners, however they do not give themselves easily - perhaps their judgment of human nature is too good for that - and are sometimes seen as a bit stand-offish. But once they decide that someone is worthy of their friendship or love, they can exert an almost hypnotic and irresistible mental attraction on them and will themselves become faithful to them for life. Because of their strong personalities they just love to be the leader of the pack, but also can suddenly detach themselves from everything and retreat into their own little world ignoring everyone else. These dogs tend to suffer from leg and foot problems and need to be kept on a healthy diet as they also can experience stomach ailments.
February 20 – March 20
Sensitive, gentle, intuitive and cuddly
on the naughty side....
Weak-willed, easily led and sulky
being left alone
lazing and doing nothing in particular
learning new tricks
being told off for being naughty
loud noises of any kind
not having somewhere comfy to sleep at night
Piscean dogs possess a gentle, patient and lovable nature. They have many generous qualities and are friendly, good natured, sensitive to the feelings of those around them, and respond with constant tail-wagging whenever they are called. They are deservedly popular with all kinds of people, and other dogs, partly because their easygoing, affectionate, submissive natures offer no threat or challenge to neither man or dog. They tend to just drift along from day to day accepting their world around them and the circumstances in which they find themselves and will just patiently wait for what they want rather than taking the initiative to annoy their owners for it. They long to be recognized and dislike discipline and confinement. As they are also versatile and intuitive, have quick understanding, observe and listen well, they are receptive to anything new. Intensely loyal these dogs will always remain a faithful and dedicated companion to their owner. Because of their sensitive nature, Piscean dogs tend to suffer from various forms of skin disease, inflammations, foot disorders and lameness.
He is loving, cautious and protective (mostly when somebody is alone with him in the car. He is protective with other people coming close. he is also pretty protective when he sees someone outside. He doesn't bite though). He is on the naughty side:) He isn't very touchy. He is not clingy. I guess you could say he is changeable. He does like keeping busy and having children to play with and open spaces to run in (but he can live without). I guess he dislikes being aggravated but he doesn't get aggravated easily. He doesn't mind being told he is naughty but he doesn't like conflict with other dogs (yesterday, a feisty, little dog snapped at him and almost bit him. He ran away from him so fast and cowered, poor Huff:)) He loves plenty of attention but could do without cuddles.:) he has a good memory. He is somewhat difficult and clumsy (he is difficult because when we try to teach him to come, "Why should I have to come to you?" haha:)) I don't think his vision is bad and his stomach is not on the weak side. Sorry if this was so long but wanted to make sure I included everything:)
I don't believe/follow horoscopes at all, but I enjoyed reading these! What fun. Darwin is Taurus and it fits him pretty well.
Loyal, placid, can be greedy, loves living in luxury and comfort. Being made to do more than he wants to do... SPOT ON! :-) He's not possessive at all though, quite the opposite. And he's not that determined unless it involves food. LOL
Ned and Clancy are both Pices.
Ned: Sulky. Likes being left alone. Dislikes being told off for being naughty or too strong discipline and not having a comfy place to sleep, loud noises.
Is gentle, patient, and lovable, good-natured and friendly, quick understanding; versatile. Receptive to new things.
Has itchy skin.
Clancy: Gentle, cuddly. Likes lazing and doing nothing. Dislikes nothing.
Is gentle, patient, lovable in nature. generous and friendly, constant-tail wagging when called. popular, easygoing, affectionate. Drifts along, and accepts his world and patiently waits rather than taking initiative. Receptive to new things. intensely loyal.
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