Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Im looking for suggestions to slow Trixies food Gulping down.

She eats faster then my last dog did & she woofed her food down! 


Trixie eats 3 times a day - 1 cup Kibble with Water (water for now since she still does not drink much on her own)


I would say she eats the 1 cup of food in 1 minute.  I dont think she chews any of it.


Has any one tried some of the bowls designed to slow down fast eaters...Such as the

Brake Fast Dog Food Bowl?

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I've timed Boca and she eats her 1.5 cup meal in 40-some seconds. Haven't tried slowing her down yet...I figured her being smaller reduced her risk of bloat but maybe not. With Rosco I would put his chew bones in his dish and then add food so he had to eat around them. Worked great because he didn't think to take them out until he was done eating.

As for water...I think IF you are adding water to her food now...she probably will have less incentive to drink at other times. Are you sure she isn't drinking when you aren't looking? Does she have water outdoors too for drinking during playing? Is her pee okay (normal pee color rather than dark or super yellow? I kind of expect dogs to respond to thirst properly so if there is not a problem I assume they are getting as much to drink as they need.
I agree. Unless there is some serious problem I think thirst will kick in if they need fluids and then they'll drink.
We put a large toy in Dexter's bowl because he's a crazy fast eater.  It definitely helps slow him down.  Without a toy he'll eat a cup of food in ~30 seconds.  With the toy it takes him 1-2 minutes :)
We use the plastic slow feed bowls, we wash them everyt ime they eat though! The stainless didn't do as good a job and the dogs don't like the staineless-mabe the noise??? If you clean them good the plastic ones should be fine it slowed our younger one way down.

The problem with the plastic bowls is that they get tiny scratches, and the bacteria gets into the scratches. Washing doesn't really go deep enough to avoid that. We've had several discussions about this here before. If you Google "plastic dog bowls" you'll find quite a bit of information about this. It's also one of the causes of that reddish staining around the mouth and beards of light colored dogs.

If your dogs don't like metal bowls, ceramic is a good alternative.

I feed my dogs in old salad bowls, part of a dinnerware set I not longer use. Their saliva is so slimy, sticky that I like having something easy to clean well. Now using all stainless for water bowls, which is also easier to keep clean.
I put a cup upside down in my dogs' bowls when they were puppies and ate really fast. It slowed them both down appreciably. When I washed the bowls (ceramic) after they finished eating, I just washed the cup, too. Everything was sparkling clean every time.


I stopped having to put a can in Trixies dish.  With No water mixed in her food.  She now eats at an ok pace.


Also she is drinking water very, very good (like she did for her 1st 2 weeks here)

Normal tap water, nothing added to it!

I found that when Lola was a puppy she did "inhale" her food but as soon as she got adult teeth, she started eating much more slowly, and I actually hear her chewing the kibble.

We have just the opposite problem with Lucy. She eats so very slowly, often taking breaks to yawn and stretch and walk around before returning to the food bowl. But when she was just a small pup I went ahead and bought a metal Brake Fast bowl (yes, they DO make them), thinking I'd get her accustomed to it while she was still young. She did get use to eating out of it, and come to think of it, maybe that's why she eats so slowly today. Hmmm...

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