Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Rocky went to the groomer today!!!


Here is the before:

 And here is the after!!  Ready for summer in the Texas heat!!!


 He looks great to me and he feels FABULOUS!!  His fur is so silky soft!  The lady that did him normally only does small dogs - but she normally has a large dog groomer come in on Wednesdays!  But, when I got there - the groomer had cancelled and so Crystal assured me she would be fine and she would do it herself... so I left him in her hands!  She did a great job and Rocky is very happy with his new haircut!  When she brought him out I did not even recognize him!  He is so handsome!!  This photo is from her Facebook page.  :) 

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He is adorable...I love a summer haircut, it feels fresh and light so I imagine the doods do to.

PS, I think maybe she should always do his doo.

I love Rocky's summer cut!
he looks great and he is showing off that great doodle nose! Love it.
HE LOOKS VERY HAPPY WITH IT! Nice job!!! He does look totally different!
He looks gorgeous!!!
Thank you everyone for all the compliments!!  He feels good too!  He played outside today with the kids and didn't come to the door to come back in after about 2 minutes like he has been doing!  I know he feels better and he looks fabulous!  I have a very distant cousin on my Facebook - she lives far away from me but she loves her dogs - and I posted the picture of his new haircut and she commented and said "WOW what kind of dog is that!  We are drooling over here!!"  - and that totally made my day!!  LOL!  I love it when someone like that notices Rocky!!  :) 

That is a Texas Doodle Haircut!   It looks great on him.    Rocky looks soooo happy...

Rocky looks great....perfect Summer "do"!

Rocky looks great with his new do! It's always a shock when you first see them after a cut this short.


I love when you can see their bodies and Rocky looks gorgeous.  The groomer has done a really good job on his head.  He looks like a Doodle and not like a Poodle like some of them.
He is handsome and he'll feel so much better in the heat. I have to keep Max cut short for the summer, it gets really hot & humid in FL.
I love the short doodle look!  He looks wonderful :)



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