Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I'm not feeling very good today, kinda weak (on a very strict diet) and I took my blood pressure but I don't really know what it means.  It was 111/85 with a pulse of 101.  Kinda low right but not the bottom number I don't think.  Anyway should I be concerned?

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Thank you Jennifer!!!! Yes, up to 800 a day would be more compatible with life!!!!

I agree with Sue.  I am a nurse and 500 cal per day is not even close to enough.  If you are looking to lose weight, you should try weight watchers.  It is a great program and teaches you to eat smaller healthier portions that are ideal for your weight.  If you don't want to pay the money for weight watchers its understandable you could also try calorie counting there are many free apps on the web that can help you keep count!  I know friends that have done both of these options and have been very successful.  In addition, take your doodle for longer walks each day, 30 minutes a day is all you need!  

As far as your BP and really depends on what your normal baseline is...111/85 may or may not be ok, it all depends on what your normal BP and pulse are.  


If you are on meds, I agree that you need to make your dr. aware of the extreme diet you are on.  This diet can effect the way your meds are metabolized, especially if they need to be taken with food.  


Remember that losing weight is a change in your lifestyle not "dieting."  You need to change the way you eat, smaller healthier portions, and increase your output (exercise, park farther away from the door etc.)!  

Good LUck Jane & keep us posted!  

I am a nurse, Your pulse is only slightly high, We consider anything over 100 high. so you are barley high. Your body is telling you something. It does not like what you are doing to it...


I totally get the wanting to lose weight thing, I have been there lost it gained and lost it and currently gained.. Those kind of diets may give you results but not long term, you usually end up gaining back what you lost plus some.


I would say bye-bye to that diet and look for a more nutritionally sound diet. 500 calories is going to put your body in starvation mode. Plus after you go off that diet and eat remotely normal you are going to pack on the pounds becasue your body is going to not use any of the calories you put in to it out of fear of going back into starvation mode.


I have always found that a diet like Weight Watchers but with a low carb version added in is most effective. In fact I lost 80 pounds that way, over the course of a year.


I think your body is probably weak because you are starved and I bet your blood glucose is low. Please, please take care of yourself... You are so sweet, kind and loving.. The Roonster needs you to be healthy and strong. I would eat at least 15 grams of carbs maybe 30 grams and then have some protein to hold you over.


Are you restricted on your fluids, usually one of the main reasons for a fast pulse in an otherwise healthy person is dehydration. Drink some fluids, and eat. We love you.. and screw the few pounds that you think you need to loose. They can come off a little at a time, the healthy way!!!!!


Of course if you don't feel better in a bit after eating I would call your doctor and check with him.. (That is my disclaimer because as a nurse you are not allowed to give medical advice unless you are working) LOL

Jane, just like we warn people about dangerous or unhealthy diets for dogs, I as a registered dietitian who's worked with overweight and obese people for a number of years and have had lots of continuing education on this topic MUST warn you that what you're doing will most likely backfire, screw with your metabolism, take off muscle mass, mess up your relationship with food and most likely fail in the long term as well as cause you unnecessary grief in the mean time. Quick weight loss is absolutely almost never linked to long term success.  It just isn't.  That's part of the reason why most people aren't successful.  You cannot fix yourself with a quick fix.  The causes of being overweight are too complex and quick fixes will only hurt you in the long run.  And hey, it's not like I'M losing a patient because of your diet--you live too far from me to make a difference in my clientele.  SO I have nothing to gain by warning you.  And I'm completely sincere about my warning. You will lose weight with just about ANY diet you follow strictly.  But statistics and research show that diets don't work in the long term.  And depending on the diet you can hurt yourself in the short term and long term.


Anyone, anywhere will lose lots of weight on 500 Calories per day.  That's the equivalent of feeding Rooney, if he were overweight, nothing but a couple tablespoons of kibble a day. 

There are lots of healthy ways to lose weight, gradually, in sustainable fashion.  And starvation diets (which this is by definition) are notorious for NOT resulting in sustainable weight loss, increasing food obsession and screwing with you for a long time. 

Adina - and everyone - thanks for all the info!  And I'm not one to usually fall for this kind of thing but I've seen the results.  What they claim is that by taking the drops (under your tongue 30 min. before eating) tricks your body into thinking it is pregnant - I know I know sounds totally weird but they say your body isn't existing on just 500 calories because it is taking fat stores out of your body.  Here is what is in the drops:  hCG, Homeopathic B12, adrenal, liver, thyroid & fat metabolizers in potencies of 3X, 6X, 12X, 30X and 60X in a colloidal mineral base. 

You do the drops for 40 days, then eat the program without the drops for 3 days then switch for 3 weeks to an Atkins lite type diet, then slowly add carbs back for 3 weeks.  My friend who was obese (I just need to lose 30) has done 2 rounds of the 40 days and has lost and kept off over 60 pds. 

I realize that I am looking for a quick fix but I've tried EVERYTHING and I can't stick to it.  With Weight Watchers - there was too much freedom and I'd slide off.  Nutrisystem worked but the food is gross - I gained it back after eating normal food,  Jenny Craig - food tastes better but is expensive - lost weight but gained it back afterwards.  I love NOT having options - then I can't cheat.  I get unlimited water with lemon juice, tea or coffee.  Stevia for a sweetner.  3.5 oz of fish or lean meat 2xday, 2 cups of certain veggies at those meals, 2 fruits and 2 melba toasts.  I'm actually not hungrey but Adina - take a look and let me know your thoughts.  I'm on day 7 and have felt good up til now.


Jane, try Weight Wathchers!  It's healhier but be sure to include all of the vegtables, fruits, healthy fats and proteins.  The lower calorie daily diet is healthy since it includes all of the nutrients and yet burns the fats not needed in the body.  We have done the WW'ers and we find it's the healthiest if you want to loose and stay healthy.  It's slow but the safest diet we have tried.  The new points plus program allows less carbs which is tough for those of us who love our pasta.  But you can still work them into the diet.  We know it is tougher as we get into thos 50's.  We are with you Jane and know you can do this healthy way to loose and yet get results!  Best to you!!!!!!! And Rooney will still love less of you!
I have tried Weight Watchers but that points thing is too much freedom for me and then I cheat.  I'm an all or nothing person.  When you give me choices then I mis-handle them.  It is a character flaw for sure but there is no gray in my world - it is black or white.  I'm doing so well on this diet because I have almost NO choices.  That makes it easy for me.  I'm just acting like I'm in prison for 40 days (don't laugh - that is my visual).

Many have complained about the new ' Points' system.  I use an older method from 1989 that deals with servings and weighing the food.  Also, a simple diabetic diet that can be found on My Pyramid website . It also gives you an incite to the amount of servings.  For example, my serving size of an apple is so much different than the RDA serving size!  LOL   I think Super Size like many Americans these days.


It is my thighs that are Super Size - lol!  I'm turning 54 next month and I have been everything from a size 2 to a 16!  I've been in shape (not the same as being thin) and that was when I was about a size 6/8.  I size 8 for me would be fine - I'm not trying to be skinny.  I would like to continue to ride my bike and walk the Roonster and then when I have this weight off - really work hard at the fitness issue.

Ditto to what Adina said. I am not a nurse, but I am an exercise phsiologist and I have counselled over 600 people in my day, many of them about weight loss, eating, and lifestyle management. many of them also followed various extreme diets at some point and ended up in worse shape than before.

Muscle tissue is the tissue that regulates how high your metabolism is. The more lean mass you have, the more calories you need to maintain it. This is why two people of the same height and weight can look very different in terms of being lean and toned, or shapeless and pudgy, and why one person can eat "bad" food non-stop without gaining weight while the next person cannot. On a diet such as the one you are following, your body is going to go into starvation mode. Your body doesn't know that you are doing this voluntarily, it thinks there is a famine going on, and it is going to try to stay alive by any means necessary. It's going to hang onto those fat reserves for dear life, and burn the stuff that requires more calories...which is your lean mass. That's also going to make it even easier to gain fat and harder to lose weight in the long run. I beg you to abandon this diet and try a different approach. I'll help you if you'd like.


Adina - these people are starting to sell franchises - so this is going to be spreading.  If you want a more in depth look go to :
Jane, you are an intelligent woman and if you feel this will work for you then it will. In the short term. However, This is not a lifestyle you can maintain. So learning how to live with food is the real issue here. I would take Adina's and Karen's advise to heart and make an educated decission on this. Yes they are selling franchises, but again it is a FAD diet. And has not stood the test of time as the advise of many already has. Tricking our body into thinking it's pregnant is playing with fire but again , you have to make your own decision here. We just don't want to see you sick or fail once again. much $$$$ does this cost? Curious. you certainly don't have to answer me if it's none of my business. I have always wondered.



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