Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I'm not feeling very good today, kinda weak (on a very strict diet) and I took my blood pressure but I don't really know what it means.  It was 111/85 with a pulse of 101.  Kinda low right but not the bottom number I don't think.  Anyway should I be concerned?

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( not a nurse~ but have lived the medical field for years).   Jane, start by eating a small, healthy breakfast.  See if that helps. How about a bowl of oats and 4oz of orange juice? Or are you nauseated?   If you are, and can't eat, then call  your doctor.   Your pressure seems fine, but your pulse is a little ( just a tad) high.  Small, even tiny, well balanced meals may be the answer.  Your sugar may be bouncing around from a diet.  Blood sugar levels can play havoc on you even if you are  not a diabetic. 

I agree with Joanne, plus I added my half cent below.
Not a nurse - physiotherapist.  BP looks ok (normal is 120/80), but pulse is a little high.  Did you eat breakfast?  Your blood sugar could be a little low, particularly if you are dieting.  Try having something to eat - slow release carbs are best.
Ditto on not a nurse, but BP doesn't look bad, pulse is too high.  What have you eaten so far today?  As far as stick diet, how many calories and how often?  Nurse Rua could take a look at you if we lived closer together!
I am on the Bio-Body diet and it is an extreme choice I realize.  I'm just sick of being heavy (I wasn't always) but the last 8 yrs.  You get 2 small meals a day - lunch and dinner.  Eating only 500 calories a day but you take naturopathic drops that contain hCG.  You are only allowed on the diet for 40 days.  I am on day 7.  I have a very obese friend and she lost 33 lbs in 40 days. 

Jane, wish we lived close to each other...we could be walking, bike riding and diet buddies.  In February, I weighed 40lbs more than I did coming to Omaha.  I actually got up to my all-time high this past year with another 6lbs on top of the 40.  I couldn't get into my clothes and not comfortable in my own skin...tired, knees hurting, fat getting in the way of tying my shoes...LOL!  Well, I decided I needed to do something, especially with spring coming and I really wanted to walk Rua.  I ended up with something intestinal...and, have dropped 11.5lbs since February.  But not due to diet or exercise.  Now, I have to do some healthy eating (stress causes me to eat and work had been very stressful) and exercise.  It is easy to get some activity in with Rua...agility class has me huffing and puffing...not to mention sweating, so that has to be good.  We try to take walks when we can (weather hasn't been cooperative this spring).  I just got my Walky Dog Bike Leash this past week and have asked my DH to get our bikes tuned up and get the Walky Dog jaws attached (I bought an extra jaw so we just have to disconnect/reconnect the central pole to move it from bike to bike).  Won't be able to test it out today, though.  It is raining!  :-(


So, let's do this together.  I did South Beach back in 2004 and dropped 35lbs in 4 months.  Certainly not 33lbs in 40 days, but I think it was much more healthy.  I wouldn't do the South Beach was just too expensive grocery-wise buying ingredients that I normally don't stock, but would do a simplified version.  I got a book called the 3-hour diet cookbook by Jorge Cruise (author of the 3-hour diet) that I am going to follow.

It has breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, dessert and has 4 quick-start plans (Meatlover, healthy heart, carb lover, and vegie)!  I am going to do the Healthy Heart one.  Why don't you get the book this week and we'll start together on it next Sunday!  We can also set up an exercise plan....walking our Doodles, bike riding, etc.


What do you say?

I love the idea of the exercise plan - not sure yet what to do about my diet plan.  Rooney and I walk at least 3 miles a day and I have been riding my bike but maybe we could hold each other accountable - it would be fun!  I've got to see what a walky dog bike leash is - would I accidently run Rooney over?

That is why I like regular training helps hold me accountable.  I am going to plan for my Healthy Heart 3-hour diet starting Sunday.  Day 1:  Breakfast-cottage cheese w/granola & fresh fruit, Snack-cheesy popcorn, Lunch-Tuna, bean & Vegie salad, Snack-Cereal trail mix, Dinner: spaghetti w/meat sauce & caesar salad, Dessert-chocolate-covered strawberries.  Sounds Yummy...fortuately, my DH will actually love to each like this...many small meals a day.  He weighs 23 lbs less than me, LOL!  I would like to lose 26 lbs in 3 months, which is 2lbs a week...probably a bit on the agressive side, but I think by throwing in activity (which I usually avoid at all costs), that will help.


Let's go girlfriend!!! 



I take a very very low dose of blood pressure meds because I have a bicuspid aortic heart valve - I took it this a.m. and then started feeling really weak.  This diet that I'm on - is extremly low calorie - only 2 very small meals a day and I get to eat at noon.  I hope that helps.  Thanks Joanne!
OK, I AM a nurse and 500 cal. per day is really risky. Are you being followed by a Doctor and does he know you are on BP Meds? Everything is going to slow down naturally as your body is going into survival mode on so little fuel. Listen to your body, these diets are not for everyone and if you are weak, light headed, ringing in your ears, you need to eat and stay put, no driving or going out alone. Passing out due to low blood sugar and low BP is real possiblity, Take it slower and add a few 100 more calories. It will help you feel better and you will still loose weight.
Thanks Sue - I'll add a 100 more calories!  I ate an apple and am starting to feel better!
She didn't mean add 100 more calories, She meant add a few hundred more calories I am sure!!!! We love you, take care of yourself.



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