Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I read in a breeder's website (who only sells standard sizes)  said that he refuses to breed mini/mediums b/c something bad happens to the dogs and they come out nippy, aggressive and prone to bad behavior.  He didn't go into too much details but I think he is implying that - when you "force" a big dog breed into a smaller breed - you are negatively affecting the dog's behavior.


Of course - you can't believe everything you hear - but I'm very curious if anyone else here have heard anything about this?


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Can Chloe & Myla come too????
Aggressive Seda has a mean right hook!

LOL!! You go Seda girl!

Another nippy, aggressive, badly behaved medium doodle...
Those boys are adorable!

Here's more "proof".  My medium labradoodle is so nippy, aggressive, and prone to such bad behavior I don't dare let her anywhere near my granddaughter.  And Kayla is absolutely terrified of Sedona.  It's just sad!

Now, that is just plain cute! 


I think I found Allie's twin!!!! Sedona looks just like her!
Yep!  There's quite a resemblance, both as cute as can be!!!
Love this pic!

I would certainly say that I have met MANY little dogs that are nippy, aggressive and badly behaved, and very FEW big dogs with these personality traits (I work in a pet food store so meet lots of dogs every day).


HOWEVER..... I think alot of it is due to upbringing. Yes a little dog is likely to have these traits as thats how they "protect" themselves (think of the phrase "his bark is worse than his bite"), but I think with good training a little dog does not need to be like this (as proven by many on DK). Alot of people dont really train their little dogs (by little dogs I generally mean yorkies, chihuahuas, shitzus, maltese, havanese, toy poodles, bichons etc, not breeds like Jack Russels, MinPins, shiperkes etc)

Small breeds are notorious for having health issues, like bad teeth, but then large breeds have their health issues too


Kaytlin - I have seen many "nippers" and or "yippers" as we call them and I know what you are talking about but I really think those are more breed specific - (don't want to offend anyone so forgive me) but Yorkies TO ME fall into that category - but not doodle.  Rooney is just on the line between mini and medium and he is not yippy or nippy - or I couldn't have him - lol.  So I get your point.  Here is my un-trained, aggressive doodle, attaching a snauzer.



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