Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Is Barkley (almost 10 weeks) already acting like an unruly teenager?  He has started to get pretty aggressive the last three days- barking at me, trying to latch on to my leg, trying to get on top of me, much more nippy than usual.  Most of the behavior is directed at me, but also other members of the family and visitors too. I assume that he is trying to test my dominance, but its really annoying. 


Maybe he isn't getting enough play time with me?  Maybe its the food?  Maybe its his treats?  Maybe he is just being a crazy doodle?




Also- we started puppy class the other night- can I tell you that Barkley easily had 10lbs on all the other tiny breed dogs in class.  He was the biggest there by far.  He wanted to bounce and play nip on all the other dogs- while all the other puppies just walked gingerly near each other sniffing, mellow....UGH.  Should I not allow this puppy play behavior with my sisters dog until he learns when its ok to play and when its not?  When they get together they go at it for a good 30 minutes.....



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I would let him play with your sister's dog.  The other dog will set the boundaries and let Barkley know what is okay, what isn't and when play time is over.  This is good for Barkley to learn from another dog.  He should also learn it from you.  When he gets too wound up and out of line, put him in his crate for a few minutes.  It sounds like typical puppy behaviour but you have to be firm and consistent and set the proper boundaries right from the get go.

His behavior at home is that of a normal puppy.  His behavior with other dogs is also normal.  Barkley will probably give him

'puppy license' for a few more weeks and then start to tell him to 'knock it off' more assertively. 


But although his behavior at home is normal and how puppies often play, I would NOT allow it. How does your trainer in class suggest you handle it?

In class when he carries on and barks for attention she will squirt him with water, then praise when he stops- which immediately gets his attention.  At home she recommends positive reinforcement, with use of the water bottle for barking issues.  Basically letting him know when you behave this way you will get zero attention and when you behave well you will get loads of love. 


We have started putting him in puppy time outs when he gets out of hand or stand up and walk away from play time when he gets too rough.  My hubby growls at him- which works immediately.  My growl isn't as effective.   


When is he is playing nice we act as if we have won the lottery.


He is completely predictable right now, which works in our favor- I just don't know what to do to deter the behavior before it begins.  He gets crazy in the mornings after waking- (sleeps in crate peacefully from 9:3pm- 5:30am), and in the evenings when hubby gets home from work.  During the day he is great with me and the kids.  At night- its crazy time again before bed.  




No teen yet!  Just pure, fun lovin' let me push it to my limits puppy behavior!  Dogs usually will let other dogs know their limits too.  What does the trainer say when he acts like this in class?  (at least you didn't get called down to the "puppy principal's office yet- lol)

So you mean its gonna get worse lol


In class- he doesn't do the nippy dominating crazy behavior with humans- just the barking at other people till they pet him (during instruction time), and the pouncing at other pups during play time. (Trainer says to ignore it and barkley will quickly learn that the other dogs dont want to play rough with him) I am so going to be that lady with the jumbo barky dog- the other pups have their own issues too- I just notice Barkley's more I think



Ali, there is nothing you have said about Barkley's behavior that sounds dominant. The nipping, barking, jumping, acting like he's been taking crazy pills is typical puppy behavior. It's unacceptable behavior, but purely puppy. You are doing the absolute best thing for you and him by going to obedience classes. Keep going and going and going. It will be GREAT for you, Barkley and your family. My fav trainer works with lots of doodles and says doodles, by far, have the strongest play drive of any dog she knows. :-)

If Barkley is not already neutered, make sure to get him fixed as soon as your vet says it is okay. Teen/adolescence starts closer to 6-7 months usually. Since you are already working on obedience, it will make that time easier to understand and deal with in a positive manner.

Just like a little kid....laugh when you can, pick your battles wisely, play with them as much as you can, try to catch them doing something good and praise them, and if you feel like you're gonna explode, put him in him in his room (crate) for five minutes and get a cup of coffee, walk around the block or read a magazine. They do grow up....and you will have the most wonderful adult dog you could ever have wanted.

Huge hug!  Thank you!!!


Barley Barker is now a year and a half, and I feel sometimes I look back on his young puppyhood with rose-tinted glasses. Like everyone else has posted, your Barkley is very normal. When Barkley nips, do you say "Ow!!!" or cry out real loudly? I did that when Barley would get nippy. It surprised him. I also would make a sound like a dog's whine when he nipped me. He would stop and then lick me, as if to say, "I didn't mean it!" That would also bring our other dogs over to check out the situation, and one of our dogs would sometimes growl at Barley because it seemed like he had hurt me because of the noises I had made. Having other dogs will really help your puppy learn basic manners. Barley would also do a bratty snippy-snap with his teeth at me when he didn't like something or get his way. He wasn't really "snapping" at me; it was more like he was complaining or "talking". I can't really explain it, but maybe other folks have had dogs that have done that. What brought on this bratty behavior was being REALLY hyper in the morning when he was let out of his crate, getting tired during the day because I wasn't enforcing naps, and being hungry. I fed him three meals a day until he was six months old and he would try to tell me it was time to eat. I found that early training really helped me with Barley, and his bratty nippy stage was really short. Just be consistent with Barkley. 
I say let him play as much as he wants with your sister's dog. I think another dog is the best teacher for your Barkley. I am a firm believer in time outs in the crate when he gets out of much for your sanity, as for his safety....LOL! Vern was the biggest puppy in his class too and it took him a couple of classes to get the idea about playing with the other dogs and then he had a ball. Fudge and Vern's best friend is my DD's 27 pound French Bulldog and Vern is 90 pounds. They learn from each other and as long as they are supervised, I would not worry. Barkley sounds like a perfectly normal puppy to me. I also think when they are the most wild, they need a nap. This too shall pass :)



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