Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I found out from my vet today (after 2nd puppy well check) that Bexter has giardia!  I don't get it.  He (evidently) didn't have it from checking at the 1st puppy visit.  So, does that mean that he got it at my house???  How is that even possible?  I don't have other dogs, he isn't around other dogs, he's just in my yard & house...He drank a couple of sips of a puddle of water that was on my deck after it rained really hard.  I am always outside with him & I stopped him immediately.  I also always have picked up his poop.  They said they get it from drinking puddles of water...Does that mean he got it from that??  If so, I can see him never being clear of it.  It seems like he'd get it every time it rains!  Also - His stools were not even loose; they were pretty firm.  I'm confused and very discouraged.



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Our puppy also had giardia. It can come from being around littermates that have also comes from puddles, etc. It can be dormant as well...our pup went through one round of treatment, tested negative, then 2 weeks later had it again. So we ended up treating a second time for a longer period at a higher dose. They can also get it from being around other dogs' poo if those dogs have it. We had to pick up poo and spray area with a solution of bleach water until she was "all clear". I also have to be very vigilant of leaving standing water outside as she loves to drink it...a dog who frequents our dog park was recently diagnosed with it and her owner believes she contracted it I'm not sure how many ways it is spread but I do know poo and puddles of water are two ways.

Once we treated her the second time she has not had it again to my knowledge!
Good luck :)

I think it came from littermates.  I would ask your breeder if she has had any giardia reported even the last several months.  A good breeder will tell their clients and even help with medicine.  I wouldn't worry too much that it came from your puddle.  But I would ask your vet how prevalent giardia is your area.  We are in central Illinois and don't have it much.  Jane and Guinness and Murphy are from the Northeast and Jane has fought and fought giardia w/ Guinness.  She would be a great one to ask for advice as she has done tons of research on this pesky awful condition.  Hope Bexter gets well real soon.
Sometimes puppies can falsely test negative for giardia. Also, even though your pup is not drinking groundwater directly, she might be getting it through other means. Barley didn't drink groundwater; however, he used to eat dirt and grass. Giardia lives in soil and that's how it contaminates water, specifically groundwater. Apparently, it can also be transmitted through plants soaking up the groundwater. The first thing the vet tech asked me is if Barley had been eating grass. Our other goldendoodle, Daisy Mae, got giardia from eating earthworms when she was about a year old. Again, earthworms' bodies have a high water content. It's possible your pup is getting exposed by ingesting dirt, grass, or organisms that live in the soil around your house.
I believe that sometimes it doesn't always show up and that he probably had it before he came to you.   I would definitely check with your breeder.  Panacur is the best treatment for Giardia taken over three days.  It seems to be rampant in the US but thankfully not here.  Good luck with eradicating it, what a shock for you.  Difficult enough to deal with a new puppy without the dreaded G.
It's annoying to have to deal with giardia...but my first pup Sam had it when I got him from the breeder.  I've just automatically put the new pup on panacur, even though he tested negative.  I've got a dog (Sam) and three elderly cats, so I'm just not having any of that around the house!



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