Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
24 hours left... and a consensus is building around this design:We like this design very much and it has consistently polled among you guys as the best available entry. There are others we liked just as much... but none that we could say we liked more than this one.
The other current entries did not have the same impact with us and with you guys. See the polls:
There were MANY good designers who entered very good concepts. But it looks like among the current entries, this will be the winner. Now, there might be a completely new entry that is superior... but with our long history of trying to have designers create a logo for us (for over a year!), we'd put the chance of that happening at about 0%. We are not shutting down entries because it ain't over 'til it's over.
So how can we make this design better? If this wasn't your favorite, what tweaks would you make to bring it into line with your "perfect logo"? We are still revising this image so your feedback is important.
Thank you so much for your help. Even if your favorite did not win, your feedback has changed the way each logo was updated. We truly appreciate it!
If the logo in the body of the discussion wins, I'll be happy. If a different one wins, chances are that I'll be happy too. I happen to like cartoonish, stylized, furry dog images, so the current logo in the lead does speak to me.
I'm in promotional products (logoed merchandise like pens and hats and t-shirts, etc) and see logos all day every day. Whichever logo ultimately wins, I just hope it has clean lines and the ability to be printed in 1 color (with no half tones) and in full color.
Remember y'all...the forum is all about openly expressing opinions (a vote is just giving an opinion) and if someone doesn't agree with YOUR opinion, they are just giving THEIR opinion and hopefully no one ends up feeling injured by a flying opinion.
Spam me in the Wazoo! Goo Goo Ga Jub.
Hey, I spent hours on the logo and submitted some designs only to find out that the updated, $1,000 software would have done what I wanted automatically in minutes. Not days. And.... a much better looking doodle. Originally, I hand drew everything. Then used a difficult drawing tool in Illustrator. So last night, I revised, redid and recreated a masterpiece.. only to lock up without saving my file. No worries, it will be there when I restart the program. POOF. WRONG.
If I am frustrated with this whole process... it is because of me. The one who did not do her homework after getting fantastic creative software. The one who did not save a file? WTD?
But it was doodely fun, I learned a lot, and I can still use those creations to decorate my own page. HEY... WE all have our own pages! That's a nice thing to have. Adina and Clark, thank you for the lovely letter. I shall remain anonymous.
Now don't shoot me for saying this, but my only complaint is that this process has not gone on a little longer. LOL. Yes, I have had fun. Now it is time to stop trying and go out and play in the summer.
Congrats on the new logo. Geesh, I think cars have been purchased with less cognitive dissonance.
P.S. The things that matter, the things we care about, the things we love, are the ones who give us the most stress. We all care. That is what I see going on here. If anyone is upset, or stressed, or disagrees, IT IS BECAUSE of LOVE AND CARING.
Geesh, I am ranty myself tonight. I'm in a good mood. Life just s---ks most days but if I look for the positive that is what I find.
What I am trying to say is I had a total blast coloring this past week. Something I have not done in a long time. Therapy at it's best.
Another reason I am laughing is because of this:
When my son's would come home from primary school and give me their masterpiece sometimes I had to say,
" Tell me about your drawing" instead of " What the heck is that?"
Often times, I think my DH really wanted to say, " What the heck is that" when he looked at my monitor when I was trying to draw a doodle using a mouse. LMAO.
Adina and Clark, thanks for the invite and for spending time looking at all our wild and crazy creations. I hope, sometimes, you were laughing too.
Again, it was fun.
Smart Choice! That was the most professional looking one. The image represented your brand.. the doodle with the kiss. The colors and the all around graphic work is clean and it communicated what you wanted. Bravo! I think the designer did an amazing job with this.
And in regards to people's opinions on art.. well as a designer I happen to have an inside look on this topic and it's incredibly difficult if not impossible to create something that everyone under the sun is going to love. Not going to happen. Period.
Everyone has an idea of what is pleasing to their eye and most people do not agree on what that is.. web designers and graphic designers will probably all agree that this is one of the hardest parts of their job.
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