Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Usually Bexter (11 months old today) sleeps in his crate next to my bed.  There have been a couple of times where I have cuddled with him in my bed & fallen asleep & he has just slept with me & my husband & everything was fine.  Well...last night, I fell asleep with him in my bed.  This morning at 3:30 I woke up to Bexter either jumping or falling off my bed.  I am completely devastated.  When I went to examine him, he was holding his right front leg up and crying.  I (figuring the reason he got out of bed was that he had to go potty) carried him outside to let him go & GENTLY placed him in the grass.  What I saw was a nightmare.  He (maybe forgetting he was hurt or not realizing the extent) started to walk, cried out in pain, & hobbled to go potty.  I was absolutely horrified.  I called the emergency vet & we were on our way.  (Thankfully I do now have PetPlan for him...although I SERIOUSLY cannot believe I'd need it so soon).  Anyway, nothing's broken, but he's on pain meds and crate rest for 2 weeks.  There went the leash training I was excited to do!  Anyway, I'm happy nothing is broken, but he may have pulled a muscle or something.


Has this happened to anyone else?  I feel like an ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE mother right now.  I have been doing nothing but crying & beating myself up about how stupid I was for letting this happen.  I seriously adore & worship the ground Bexter walks on.


When is it safe for these dogs (Bexter's a mini) for get down from beds?  Ever? (Obviously I knew he was too young right now, but I need to know when you all are ok with this).  OR Do any of you have those stairs by your beds? 

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Thank you all for your reassuring words.  Reading these has helped me forgive myself a little.  Update - Bexter is doing MUCH better!  He was given pain meds (Tramadol) for 2 weeks & ordered to rest.  Well...He is not being a good patient!  I'm happy to report he is bouncing around like nothing ever happened!  I'll have to call the vet & see if I can take him off the meds soon because I don't want him on it if he doesn't need it.  We'll see.  So, I think mommy may have overreacted just a bit, but the money paid to the vet was worth knowing he will be ok.

Just checking in to see how Bexter is today?

We're so sorry that he got hurt...but glad that it's not serious!

We're sure that he'll be up and about in not time...

Doodle Hugs from Sasha and Me...


Hi Traci

Wow, just read what happened to Bexter!! You must have been so scared. The poor little guy, but don't beat yourself up about it because just like with kids, accidents do happen.

We too have a bed, that requires steps for me to get into (I am short) and our previous 7 lb shihtzu/poodle used to sleep on it at night. He would make the big leap to the floor every now and then, which scared me to death.  Like Bexter he hurt himself once, only it was a back leg, he too made a full recovery.  The point of my story is that after he hurt himself,  he never ever jumped off again.... Not the way we want to teach our doodles, but he sure learned the no jumping lesson the hard way.


Just to let you know I am still deciding, my second choice breeder still will not answer email and phone calls... not sure why?

Traci, It was an accident so don't beat yourself up. When both my dogs were puppies they would always sleep at the very edge of our bed. It would make me a nervous wreck and I was constantly pulling them away from the edge. Vern has rolled off the bed a couple of times and maybe Fudge did once. It surprised them more than anything and our bed is high up. You cannot protect them from everything. Bexter must have fallen funny and he will be fine.

Traci, I really meant to respond sooner.  I am glad to hear that Bexter is doing better.  I can only imagine that initial moment when it happened.  I would have been so scared.


Rua is also a mini.  She is under 12" at the shoulders and turned 11 months old on 6/27 (so Rua is 1 day older than Bexter).  I can't remember exactly when, but I think about 3 months ago, we started letting Rua sleep with us (start off with us, but if she decided to ear snuff my DH in the middle of the night, she went into her crate in our bedroom).  Our bed is 3' off the floor.  Rua never left the bed, at first.  Then, one day, she jumped down.  I was so scared.  She was fine.  I really didn't like the idea of her jumping that far, but it is virtually impossible to keep "KangaRua" from jumping.  I can't wait until we can really get into Agility because she is going to SHOCK people at how high she can jump and leap.


Rua doesn't USUALLY get up on the bed by herself, though she has 3 times.  Since we usually keep our bedroom door shut, I know she isn't jump up and off all the time.  I thought of putting stairs by our bed, but to tell you the truth, I would be the one having an accident tripping over the stairs (not only does Rua have PetPlan insurance, but I actually added Supplemental Accident insurance on my DH and myself because I just KNOW one of us is going to hurt ourselves tripping over Rua because of her size...we just aren't going to see her). 


When my DH is gone on business trips or up north fishing, Rua sleeps the whole night on our king size bed with me.  She doesn't ear snuff me in the middle of the night like she does her Papa.  The last time he was gone, June 3rd - June 10th, Rua was sleeping with me one night, I was mostly asleep (not a great sleeper) and I heard a "thud".  Oops...Rua fell out of bed while she was sleeping.  I was so scared...thinking exactly what you were thinking...what a horrible mother I was.  I ran around to the other side of the bed and she was just sitting there, looking at me like "WTD"?  I picked her up, put her in the MIDDLE of the bed, and we went back to sleep. 


I still get a little nervous when she jumps off the bed and probably should get stairs, but my guess is she wouldn't use them since she is a KangaRua!


Did you get stairs?



Hope your all feeling better now and are all mending well.
Please don't beat yourself up! accidents happen all the time. Sophie jumped off the vet table right in front of the vet and I and she was limping a bit afterwards. We felt awful but she was fine the next day. See, accidents even happen to vets. I bet Bexter is feeling better already.
Bexter's doing great!  I haven't gotten any stairs yet, but haven't had him on my bed again either.  He's been just fine in his crate next to the bed.  The way he's growing I'll probably just wait until he's big enough to be safer.  I don't think that'll take very long!
So pleased to hear that Bexter has recovered from his fall. They do grow fast!



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