Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
***Update: grooming went fairly well, but the groomer didn't follow the checklist, so it wasn't totally what I wanted. She looks like a bobblehead, but a cute bobblehead. Check out my post on the main forum for pics. :-)
Here's a picture of my shaggy doodle, looking like she needs a haircut bad (sorry about the poor quality photo). I haven't had her groomed yet except around the face and her special places. she's only 6 months old. I want her shorter mostly so that she's easier to keep clean, plus, as much as I love a shaggy doodle I think she's looking a little messy. thing is, I've never had a dog groomed before. I'm wondering what I should ask the groomer to do? I'm worried about her getting a bad 'do'.
Sherri, take this with you all filled out. If you get the gut feeling that you are not comfortable leaving her then don't leave her (see my discussions today). Contact some groomers and see if you can come by first, take Sophie Bear with you, they should treat her like she's special cuz she is.
You will know when you find the right one.
Attachment is for doodle cut.
OMG! How wonderful! Thanks for sharing. I had no idea this existed. I noticed it's from IDOG, which I also didn't know about. Just when I thought I was getting the hang of this doodle business lol.
I did follow your posts on the forum, and am so happy you did the right thing. I'd like to say I would have done the same, but I'm not sure I would have had the guts. I will be super careful about where to take her. There is a groomer just a few blocks from me who is highly recommended by many people, although a bit expensive. There is another groomer that is supposed to be good but she is booked all the way through end of August! I guess I'll have to pay the extra money.
I am working on a grooming page for my website where people can print and take the pictures to their groomer if they see a cut they like. Here is what I have so far (see pictures below). I think the E guard would look FAB on Sophie Bear. The instructions in groomer lingo would be E guard, teddybear face and rounded feet, trim tail and beard accordingly. It was sooo hard for me to trim my girls short because most have never had anything but brushing and feet trims, I really want people to start getting good cuts for their doodles so it was worth it:)....I have yet to be able to do a complete shave down...don't know if I can muster up the courage for that just yet.
This is before in her natural coat, no haircut ever just baths, lots of brushing and feet trims.
Here is her after, a little shorter than I would normally do but she's due to deliver anytime so I cut her shorter. This is a 3/4HT blade which leaves the coat 3/4" long, teddybear face, rounder feet.
Here is another before, here is o' natural, never been cut just bath, brush and trim feet.
Here she is after, this is also a 3/4" HT blade cut, teddybear face, rounded feet. Again shorter than I usually do but it was really hot that weekend and I needed photos for my site.
Here is another before photo....o' natural again and in dire need of a new doo in this hot weather.
Here she is after, love this cut on her! This is a C blade guard which is 7/8" long, teddybear face, rounded feet. Just did this cut yesterday and got video of it too, I plan to add it to my site once I get it edited.
Here is yet another before picture, natural coat...never been trimmed until now.
Here is the after picture, this is an E guard which is 1" long, teddybear face and rounded feet.
OK last one, this is a black black doodles. Natural coat of a 6 month old F1 Goldendoodle.
Here she is after her first haircut at 7 months old, this is also an E guard which is 1" long, teddybear face and rounded feet.
I should mention that all of these doggies are F1 English and American Goldendoodles, these cuts will look different on f1bs or multigens if they have anything except wavy coats but you get the idea!! Hope these all show up and it doesn't take up too much room:)
We just had Hudson groomed for the first time (he's almost 6 months) because he was starting to look shaggy too. Like you I was nervous about it but I found a doodle groomer who lives near my sister. So I coordinated his groom when we were visiting her last weekend. Hopefully you can find a good groomer who will listen to what you want. I didn't want to cut him too short because I like his shaggy look and I am very happy with what she did. Here's a before and after pic of Hudson. It doesn't look like much of a difference but in person he looks much shorter. Good luck!!!!
I think the doodle do paper is great, and I agree that it will likely be all that you need. Just thought I'd share my last grooming experience. I asked them to cut him to 1/2" on his body, and 1" on his face. This is how he came out...
I think he turned out really cute. The only specification I made was that they not shave the bridge of his nose, just trim. Just in case you ever forget the paper, asking for specific lengths (they can rarely do longer than 1") works pretty well.
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